
Wednesday, October 19, 2016


If i am  plum
and you're a peach,
from my tree to yours
is quite the reach,
the distance feels too far
to breach.

Extend a branch,
or refuse to dip?
This is the way
foundations slip,
when no true words
escape the lip.

Lofty branches
up so high
have conversations
with the sky,
but when it comes
to peach and plum,
it seems all converse
is struck dumb.
If  Difference
we cannot overcome,
you stay peach
and I stay plum.
But the Garden
is meant for

for Susan's Midweek Motif prompt at Poets United: Conversation - this ditty could be applied to  personal situations, or political differences. I have never heard so much divisiveness being spouted in my life than what is happening right now. Time to try walking in another's shoes. Time to try being kind.


  1. An allegory! Nicely done, Sherry. I giggled a little and then sighed. Thank you.

  2. Oh this is absolutely exquisite a poem, Sherry ❤️ especially love "Extend a branch, or refuse to dip? This is the way foundations slip, when no true words escape the lip." Lovely blend of humor and grit ❤️

    Lots of love,

  3. Ah sweet-- would be lovely as a little book! k.

  4. Those slipping foundations worry me. I see them, especially in our current U.S. political discourse.

  5. you stay peach
    and I stay plum.
    But the Garden
    is meant for

    The garden is indeed meant for everyone!

  6. Despite the fact that one is a peach and one is a plum they can still enjoy their differences & celebrate their similarities.

  7. I wonder is there is jealousy in the garden too? There are the bully weeds vines and creepers that are rather invasive but fruit trees are very giving as they work out how to get there babies spread far across the land whilst pleasing and feeding us at the same time.

  8. Lol..a lovely (tasty) analogy :)

  9. That's wonderful such an enjoyable read with so much wisdom We need to overcome our differences

  10. Ah, such political walls of divisiveness arise because of the lack of dialogues on the cultural, spiritual and intellectual levels!!Sigh!
    A poignant poem, Sherry! Loved it...

  11. Peach and plumm as one, Sherry. No more fences in between. :-)

    I enjoyed the rhymes and rhythm too.

  12. yummy...What a Frostian Classic...loved the poem

  13. Sherry, hello from across the prairies and not the pond!

    Peaches and plums, both sweet, both refreshing, both fruit, and thus are more alike than different!

    Have a wonderful day!


  14. Oh I just love this Sherry! Creative and wise...a message we all should here! Thank you for your sweet comments over at my blog. I value your opinion greatly and consider you a dear friend and encourager in the blogosphere.

  15. I think we can be plum and peach and fine together. It's the ones that refuse to see that we are all fruit--with the potential of being tasty and rotten, too--who are the problem, methinks. We just can't forget that there is only one garden, even if you are plum and I am peach.

    Love this.

  16. Couldn't agree more... and yes, I thought of political differences before I reached your paragraph at the end of the post. Well done.

  17. The door is open but many may not be able to connect for some reasons. It is a pity!


  18. Wonderful poem, Sherry and a marvellous allegory! Now it's interesting you chose plum and peach because there exists a hybrid tree made by crossing a Japanese plum and a peach. It's called "pleach" and of course there is the verb "to pleach" meaning to intertwine branches of trees to form a protective hedge or cover. Both meanings work well with your poem :-)


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