
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Wild Woman Knows What She Knows

Wild Woman knows
what she knows.

It is time, Wild Woman,
to bring forth all your gifts,
for the seasons are now quickening,
and swift.
Sing out your songs,
sing loud and strong and clear.
Write all your poems,
to say that you were here.

A Wild Woman creates her own way.
She runs with her inner wolves,
and she has a lot to say.
She speaks with an authentic voice,
avoiding angst or wrath.
She follows her intuition,
along the unmarked path.

Wild Woman knows what she knows,
and she'll share her wisdom well 
before she goes.

She steps into new territory - no fear.
She follows her heart, in trust,
honest and sweet and clear.
Her spirit has been
forever on the rise,
the long journey having made her
compassionate and wise.

She no longer harbors life,
brings new visions forth instead,
that she sees with eyes located
somewhere else besides her head.
She feverishly transcribes dictated words.
Her songs she then gives freely
to all the singing birds.

Follow these pawprints into the forest,
Sister mine.
They will lead you to a home
Grandfather Cedar makes so fine.
An owl with piercing yellow eyes,
a cat with Cheshire grin,
will be on the doorstep watching,
waiting to let you in.

There is a conjuring old woman
living there,
her spirit fixed between
the sky and earth.
She has lived apart from others
since her birth,
doesn't care at all what people think.
Listen well to every incantation,
for all of them
are linked.

Wild Woman has fallen bewitched
by the beauty of the earth.
Before the fire,
she is singing over the bones.
When she finishes her song,
she will arise
and welcome you into the very
Sisterhood of Crones.

One from 2013, kids, just for fun. Shared with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United.


  1. Maybe i'll meet you there someday, but it will take me a while to get there. Thank you for preparing the way.

  2. Oh yes! Wild Woman does indeed know what she knows. And she knows much. And she is wise. This is an empowering poem, Sherry.

  3. I always enjoy being in the company of Wild Woman! :)

  4. To Wild Woman: I feel blessed to hear her song; pray she lives among us long and showers her words of light to give us new and wise sight.

  5. I'm dancing and singing and running with her. Writing my bits, learning as I step, ready to honor the bones.

    This is precious poetry, Sherry!

  6. Wild Woman knows even more than she knows - her knowledge is beyond simple knowing "her spirit fixed between the earth and sky" I read and run and feel the damp earth beneath my paws. Thank you for this. Is there a Wild Woman collection dear Sherry ?

    1. I need to put one together. It is on the list. (Big list)

    2. I need to put one together. It is on the list. (Big list)

  7. What a wonderful sisterhood..and we need more wild women understanding the songs of wolfs.

  8. Oooh I absolutely adore this, Sherry :D such a beautifully uplifting poem!

    Lots of love,

  9. and she'll share her wisdom well
    before she goes

    There is the tendency to do good always and perhaps leave a legacy for those less fortunate!


  10. She is all this and more..and those eyes..set straight and true - ready for what is - there is much to learn from Wild Woman xo

  11. Let's hope there are many more like you Sherry to carry on the tradition of speaking for for the wild ones who need a strong supporting voice. Our Earth certainly needs it.

  12. luv the fact that Wild Woman will share her wisdom, giving back to the shpere of life and continuity

    have a good Sunday Sherry

    much love...

  13. We must fiercely be who we are. Aho!

  14. speak of subjective, I question if any, even Wild Woman can claim to know truth...only for herself. She writes it down, folds it into a small package, and puts it away into her pocket. For truth can change right before your very's a "slippery

  15. Singing over the bones--how exciting! Who know what may happen when song meets bone!

  16. Wild woman walks in the spirit of the land amidst the animals and sees with a keen eye. A lovely read.

    Singing over bones or stones..what will the reading bring forth..

  17. There are so many wonderful lines in this poem, Sherry! Lines that are so evocative... I love that central image of writing and letting the words loose to the wild winds. Awesome poem!

  18. Such energy in your words, Sherry, even more than ever! I love "Her songs she then gives freely
    to all the singing birds." Great perspective from the owl's heights...

  19. Loved this Sherry! Such a beautiful and wise write!

  20. Wild Woman has fallen bewitched
    by the beauty of the earth.
    Before the fire,
    she is singing over the bones....... I love this type of poetry, being in touch with true spirit, beauitfuly written, Sherry.
    When she finishes her song,
    she will arise
    and welcome you into the very
    Sisterhood of Crones.

  21. This is my new favorite of yours. What an honor if I get to belong to that sisterhood of wild women crones where you are the queen. Your muse has truly blessed you with this one Sherry.

  22. A delight on the imagination. Thank you for this

  23. Love your Wild Woman Tales, Sherry - and your "Sisterhood of Crones" tickled my fancy. Another awesome piece of writing!

  24. An empowering poem, Sherry. I love it.

  25. I so want to come into the forest and put my head on the lap of Wild Woman.

  26. Sisterhood of Crones - why do I hear Macbeth?

  27. specially woven with vivid images..glimpses of Robert Frost and well composed ..wonderful ideas,invitation to a new place and with so much grace..thanks for sharing lovely write Sherry as always

  28. Love each stanza Sherry! Thanks for reminding us she lives within all of us !

  29. Tell me about the clouded skies, and the realm of hidden sighs!


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