
Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Right To Vote

Between 1916 to 1919,
Canadian women slowly gained

the right to vote,
emerging from their farm kitchens
and heading into town
with horse and buggy
to cast their ballots.

In 1929, after careful deliberations,
the Canadian courts officially recognized 
women as Persons.

In 1971, he said to me,
We were doing okay
till you started thinking
you were a person.

The walk to freedom is long.
One carries bruises,
and must evince perseverance.
When it is time to vote,
we remember the women
who fought so hard
to win us a voice,
as we cast our 
carefully considered votes.

For Susans prompt at Midweek Motiff: the right to vote.


  1. a history of struggle is associated with the word 'Right' needs to be respected and never taken for granted...and yes 'carefully considered' should be taken into account...the poem has touches of sadness that moves one the tone of reverence here..beautifully penned Sherry...

  2. The way this poem develops, time is erased and all events seem simultaneous. I know we've made a little progress in some countries, but still, it is too easy to say the dominant male is the only fully free human. But we vote. Ha!

  3. Shocking to think that only 45 years ago in 1971 that was said. I so enjoyed the history in your poem Sherry.

  4. Sadly, too many women and minorities are being left behind, by the system, which still discourages the non-elite to vote.

  5. You're right, the battle for equality is not over and we have a long road ahead... hats off to everyone who fought the good fight.

  6. In retrospect, it's hard to believe that so many were disenfranchised for so long!

  7. Thanks to a grassroots movement of eclectic revolutionaries....Thank you, Sherry for bringing out the real History.Kudos to the pink brigade!
    Unforgettable piece!! Loved it...

  8. How wise of George Orwell to write "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"... Still today we find some people thinking this and treating people differently according to sex, religion, marital status, sexuality, etc, etc


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