
Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Shetamia Taylor thanked the police officers
who protected her during the shooting
at the protest in Dallas

There can be no peace without social justice.
Benjamin Creme

Is it that we are a young country,
absent life experience that brings soul wisdom?
Is this why, while we know
the kind of world we want,
we live in one of our making
that is still so far from our dreams?

Absence of trust builds fear.
Fear's fires fanned builds to an eruption.
Violence is a two-edged sword.
It cuts both ways.
Where does the cycle end?
When does retaliation stop?

A black woman thanks
the white policeman who protected her
for saving her life.
It takes just one small step,
one hand reaching out,
to change the energy,
and move us forward
into Possibility.

for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif: Absence

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