
Sunday, June 12, 2016

An Open Graveyard

On the news, he said the sea
"is an open graveyard".
full of the bodies of refugees,
fleeing war in their homeland.
Dead whales and birds are washed up on beaches,
their stomachs full of plastic.
Sea lions are poisoned by toxic algae
and the plankton so necessary for all our survival
is dying.

The Pacific Gyre,  a floating garbage patch of plastic,
(the worst invention, so destructive),
collects our dumped debris,
while, up north, ice melts,
and polar bears are drowning.

Mother Ocean, we are slowly strangling you,
along with our own life,
yet we continue,
oblivious to the warnings,
in denial about the reality of the cliff-edge
we are perched on,
waiting for "someone else"
to Do Something,
to figure it out.

Other countries work towards reducing emmissions,
finding clean energy sources,
while in North America,
it is business as usual,
since money seems to always trump survival.
The thing about Mother Nature is,
she is forgiving to a point,
but eventually may weary and flick us all off.

sources: fusion

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