
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

An Ill Wind

credit: AntiMartina

"it's an ill wind that blows no good"

Wiktionary states the saying is based on the premise that, when something is bad, someone else will usually benefit. However, it must be very bad, when nobody at all benefits.

His lizard eyes peep out
above puffy cheeks.
His words blow hot and hateful,
like a wildfire that torches
everything in its path
to scorched earth.

He is an angry wind indeed,

Nothing good rides the currents
of this ill wind.

for Susan's prompt at Midweek Motif: wind power

I love the thought of wind power - a free source of clean energy, as is water and solar. But, right now, all I can think of is Mr T's cheeks, huffing and puffing. And those slitted little eyes.  Argh.      


  1. Lizard eyes over puffy cheeks.. now that is a scary image!

  2. lol..a perfect sketch Sherry & with humor ...

  3. I agree :D such sparkling humor and wit Sherry, nicely done :D

    Lots of love,

  4. Remind me, not to anger you, Sherry. Your pen would assassinate me, with so few words, before the grin, leaving my face.

  5. Scarily funny Sherry. :) Nice read while on the train

  6. How we malign poor Mr. Wind who has no control over his actions which are governed by others. No wonder he sighs and moans.

  7. Does he also happen to be orangish wearing a weasel upon his head? :) I love this poem.

  8. Oh, I fear Mr T's ugly "lizard eyes peep out above puffy cheeks"- in fact, it blows nobody any good!
    Well penned, Sherry!

  9. Fun to read this a second time and laugh again. I also note, more soberly, how hard it is to put out a forest fire in the wind. There is a big difference between the benevolence of a sea breeze or a breath and the force of an angry gale.

  10. Haha! That was funny.
    His lizard eyes peep out
    above puffy cheeks.
    This I loved but don't want to imagine :P

  11. I'll huff and I'll puff and I will blow the house down..trouble is..numbskulls like Mr T don't realise the Earth is everybody's home..

  12. Ha! I like it. The imagery is so good. :-)

  13. Oh, do I empathize with THIS one, Sherry! Yup, those 'lizard eyes' indeed.

  14. However, it must be very bad,
    when nobody at all benefits

    But in this world an ill-wind will benefit somebody and invariably they are the greedy ones, individuals or nations!


  15. I didn't know the meaning of this saying...thank you. :)

  16. Wow! That is one mean wind Sherry. I know someone like this, everything they say comes out inflaming and hurtful. Ill winds are not something you want to run into very often. Hugs!

  17. I never knew that's what that saying meant.
    We can get some angry winds here that cause the trees in our forest to tango.


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