
Thursday, May 5, 2016


Stamp Falls

Sing me a song of river, green and wild,
as it makes its steadfast journey to the sea.
With its beauty I'm enchanted and beguiled.
The wildlands is where my spirit feels most free.

As it makes its steadfast journey to the sea,
sing to me with Raven's husky gobble-cry.
In the wildlands, where my spirit feels most free,
the Old Trees listen to my whispered sigh.

Sing to me with Raven's husky gobble-cry,
with grak! of heron, hoot of sleepy owl.
As the Old Trees listen to my whispered sigh,
sing me eagle's shriek and Old Wolf's howl. 

With krak! of heron, hoot of sleepy owl,
all is beauty. I'm enchanted and beguiled.
Sing me eagle's shriek and Old Wolf's howl.
Sing me a song of river, green and wild.

A pantoum for Hannah's prompt at Real Toads: Transforming With Nature's Wonders. And shared with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United.


  1. Such a wonderful reply to the prompt, Sherry. The repetitive nature of the pantoum reflects the continuous cycle of beauty in nature.

  2. Yes, oh yes, oh YES.
    "sing to me with Raven's husky gobble-cry."

  3. Sherry, I love the bird, Old Owl, and other's of nature songs as you have them thoughout. I try to answer these calls when I can. My sister is almost as good as I with hers.
    BTW, is there a typo here, "krak! of heron?

    1. The heron's cry is a hard one to capture, Jim. I changed it to grak, maybe slightly closer.......raven and heron both have strange sounding calls, riveting to hear.

  4. Sherry, I love the bird, Old Owl, and other's of nature songs as you have them thoughout. I try to answer these calls when I can. My sister is almost as good as I with hers.

  5. "I'm enchanted and beguiled" with your poem :)

  6. Water singing through beaks. Simply glorious and full of life. Love the sounds and reception. ♥

  7. I love all of the sounds that reverberate through your is definitely just like that by the river in the woods. What a wonderful experience. Thank you, for sharing, Sherry!! :)

  8. Sing me a song of river .... and it just flows beautifully from there. Heron, owl, eagle - just an inspiring poem.

  9. 'all is beauty'...indeed Sherry.

  10. There is so much beauty in the flow of a river as it heads to the sea. Your poem is a celebration of rivers, Sherry!

  11. What a beautiful song Sherry, one I want to sing along with. Like the river flowing your poem flows too.

  12. Oh, your nature poems always thrill me!

  13. The sound of nature is so enchanting... and along the river it turns so much more loud and beautiful

  14. Admire not only the imagery but also how well your rhymes flow unconsciously - the 2nd line repeat is an interesting form for try out another time

  15. What a fine song! I hope someone puts it to music we can sing in our circles and halls and walks and summer camps. I never realized how well the Pantoum rhymes and repeats for actual songs until I read this one full of celebration of life and sound.

  16. May you always have the song of the river in your heart - Raven's husky gobble-cry - that cracked on the many textures and feelings and such a good play with form too!

  17. Such a gorgeous call to nature in your verse Sherry :D sigh beautifully executed!

    Lots of love,

  18. all is beauty.I'm enchanted and beguiled.Sing me eagle's shriek
    and Old Wolf's howl.Sing me a
    song of river, green and wild

    It is so much fun to be with nature and all of its glory. Great lines Sherry!


  19. Streams can be enchanting and mystical. The entire pace of the poem gave a relaxing feel, Sherry. The picture is a great addition to your poem.

  20. songs of nature beguile you today in a most wonderful way

    Happy Mothers Day Sherry

    much love...

  21. Sigh what a beautiful song...I want to be there in that place and dream my life away....I also love how you created a pantoum with this.

  22. such a lovely pantoum!
    the sounds of the animals adds to the lively feel and bounce of this poem. :)

  23. Sherry, I really like that first line. I think mainly because it sets the stage for a celebratory poem... but I feel like there's something sad lurking in this poem (but this might just be me). Really very nice.

  24. Amen!!! May the river's beauty always sing. Beautiful poem Sherry. To me it is a prayer.

  25. Ahh, that river and all the birds. You must know I'd love this one.


  26. Just beautiful.. how well it just flows with the form, loved it!!

  27. Great job with the pantoum form. Congratulations on your poetry book.

  28. What a lovely song Sherry ~ A delight to read tonight ~

  29. I see visions of a rambling woman tramping near the river's edge - the timeless purity of following a wilderness trail is expressed so wonderfully, here.

  30. Oh Sherry you took me back to a younger self: wandering through the redwood forest, grasping for wisps of sunlight, decoding nature's messages, inhaling earth's bounty, racing with the river.

  31. A wonderful writing Sherry, you give the reader a passage to the wilderness and the acceptance into nature's arms.

  32. This song could easily be set to music. I hope you do!


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