
Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Day Graced By Doves

Our resident flock of mourning doves,
searching for seed

I remember the coo
of doves at daybreak,
you lying beside me as we woke,
my catch of breath
as you drew back the curtain,
love exchanged with eyes
before we even spoke.

I wake, today,
to doves out in the farmyard,
their mourning song
for all that has been lost.
Forever and forever,
and forever,
I would do it all again
and never count the cost.

The dove's soft cries have followed me
through the decades,
as I look back
and remember
my lost loves.
I tote up the gains and losses,
count my blessings,
to still wake to mornings
that are graced by doves.

This is Beau, helping herself to a little snack 
before supper. LOL.

for Hannah's prompt at Real Toads, Day 9 : to write about something in nature. The option was to personify something in nature, but I wasn't having any luck with that so went with remembering.


  1. I truly love it... the way the dove's song sounds different through joy and sorrow, yet remain the same.

  2. So melancholy and yet a rich reminder of blessings past,,enjoyed it very much. Love the photo of Beau,,,

  3. Such beauty such awe in your verse :D

  4. Such a poignant idea that one could remember lost doves in the mourning of the doves... So poetic and touching.

  5. the dove's song is rather sad and wistful and i could hear it throughtout your poem.

  6. I used to hear the coo of the doves when I was a child and lying in bed in the morning. I miss that...

  7. Love this ongoing connection between doves and special, intimate moments. Beautiful.

  8. Very nicely done. Your rhyming is so elegant and expert that it's a very quiet presence of its own.

  9. A touching and beautiful poem, thanks, Sherry. k.

  10. Heartfelt words Sherry...
    "count my blessings,
    to still wake to mornings
    that are graced by doves. "so much wealth in the lines...Nature does enrich us and also words...

  11. This so sad but beautiful too Sherry. The cooing of doves is one of the most comforting sounds in nature along with waterfalls and whispering trees.

  12. Bittersweet to the core, especially since one of my joys is waking to my husband's face while the sun is just beginning to make it's ascent.

  13. Just gorgeous. So much hope and gratitude here, Sherry.

  14. Remembering is perfect, too...the personification was just an option. I love your offering, Sherry. It carries the perfect balance of bitter sweet that remembering often does carry. Thank you, for sharing the doves...they're a favorite of mine as well. :)

  15. There is a lot of grace in this poem~ I love the sound of this dove-it reminds me of the fog horns I heard growing up the sea. A haunting song, as is your poem. Both are beautiful~

  16. So wonderful how the sounds of the Doves (or whatever the sounds) can take you to places that you aren't at anymore! Perhaps introduce you to new memories?

    Your horse is so funny! Why do you have something over her eyes?

  17. I wonder, was Prince so influenced, when he wrote the song, "When Doves Cry"?

  18. some ache - then some fun with that horse~


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