
Wednesday, January 13, 2016


As my awareness grows,
my insight into how "factory-farmed" animals 
are treated, 
the food on my plate
is changing.

As my comprehension grows,
through news reports about the starving,
the portions on my plate
grow smaller.

Because once I know,
I can no longer not know
what I know.

for Sumana's prompt at  Mid Week Motif: Food


  1. A thought provoking write Sherry :)
    Beautifully executed.

    Lots of love,

  2. You and me both, Sherry! I watch quite carefully what I eat...and eat more veggies than anything!

  3. knowing a lot of things can really make a person sad. I can relate to that. sorrowfully.

  4. Amen to that! May this poem travel far!

  5. Oh, yes. THIS:
    "Because once I know,
    I can no longer not know
    what I know."

  6. Once we knew little of the world surviving in our own small communities and it was bearable. Now we have information overload and the world has lost its beauty and life is not fair, nor will it ever be as man is the great destroyer.

  7. Excellent Sherry! Just Excellent! We can never avoid the truth not even for a blink of a moment even if it hurts and makes us uneasy.


  8. True...makes you wonder if a fair and equal world is just a myth.

  9. I agree with Mama Zen, the ending is powerful...

  10. It Is a blessing to Be conscious and make others Feel and Evolve...the last three lines are a master stroke Sherry...Wow...

  11. I do not, ever in the last fifty years, eaten veal. I feel that way, like not eating them, when I see a load of pigs peeking through the slats on the way to market. I raised a litter of pigs for my FFA project my last two years of high school. Mixed up?
    Did you know that fur bearing animals, mink, fox, etc., are also farm raised? Then cruelly gassed to death for their pelts.

  12. such a nice and successful ending
    well done
    good luck Sherry !

  13. On my grandparents farm we always cared for the animals and utilized their offerings with gratitude.
    Cages were costly as were hormones - what were we thinking?

  14. Yes - knowledge and images are hard to undo once in our head..the world is sobering anf there are always people in a worse position than us..for that we must be thankful of what's on our plate..

  15. I feel guilty as well with more we know how food is prepared ~ A deeply thought provoking post Sherry ~

  16. Well done, Sherry. The truth is a bitter pill.

  17. Cognisance, indeed. A powerful write Sherry

    Much love...

  18. Good poem. If we treat each other cruelly without respect it is unlikely we will treat animals any better.' Man does not live by bread and circuses alone.' The world is starved of spiritual sustenance. Practising a belief system that encompasses respect justice tolerance and caring for all creatures on the planet is the best option. Christian ethic is the answer. Sadly the greater number of self proclaimed Christians do not practise Christianity.


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