
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Transforming Nature's Wonders

Maverick Rock, Wikipedia

As I walk along this ancient land,
shape-shifters transmogrify,
half-seen out of the corners of my eye.
Ahead, the midden rose,
flat-topped and far-seeing.
They say the tribe's wise ones
would gather there to discuss community affairs,
mete out restorative justice, talk strategy
for going forward.

I have reverently stood atop its plateau,
have handled the shards of old clay pots,
then set them gently back on the earth.
I have glanced up, walking down below,
to sudden glimpses of the people
of that long-gone world, going about 
the business of daily living,
until the land was suddenly green and brown 
and blue once more,
their alternate world disappeared 
in the mists of time.

I saw its form so clearly on that day,  
starkly outlined against an indigo sky.
I heard faint ululations on the wind.
But now I walk the land again, 
certain this was the spot
and it is no longer here.
Only once, did it reveal itself 
and those other living presences, to me,
and then no more,
transforming me forever
from who I was before.

for Hannah's prompt at Real Toads: Transforming Nature's Wonders. We are looking at Mount Roraima, and the landscape where Venezuala, Brazil and Guyana meet. 


  1. Kind of sad when we go looking for what we saw much and loved only to find that what we had seen is there no more. But good that the transformation that had taken place remains.

  2. This is beautiful. Sometimes we can't find the exact place of our transformation, but we carry a bit of it with us.

  3. Once is better than never, but leaves us yearning for more.. I remember being frightened the first time I went to Europe that the history and spirit of place--Rome--would enter me through my feet. I didn't want to feel the slaughters there. And I didn't, But the narrator here has a vision/gift that can never be taken away and is beautifully (and wistfully) embraced in this poem.

  4. A really great and thoughtful piece.

  5. I love the tone that you take is spoken with a somber reverence and I agree with what Susan has said as well about the vision git...this is really a thoughtful poem, Sherry. Thank you, so much for joining the challenge today. :)

  6. Wouldn't it be wonderful to hear those wise words again, and listen to what they have to say ~

    A beautiful response Sherry ~

  7. I like the connection with what came before. Of having felt that there. Maybe the spirits drew near in that moment. I def understand going back to those places where we felt something before and not being able to feel it again.

  8. Love how you put yourself into the shoes of the people for which the land is sacred, to search for those traces of the past that maybe only reveal itself when we do not look for them.

  9. i can see you hovering there over those explorers
    nice write Sherry

    much love...

  10. What reverence you have for nature and the poeple who lived in harmony with it. This poem is like a dream, a beautiful one.

  11. what a beautiful, transcendent homage to nature. your words always move me.

  12. Had a similar experience when visiting a park half way across the state. It holds a cave from Paleolithic Times where the soot of those ancient ones still marks the cave wall.


  13. Liked your use of transmogrify...well done through out.

  14. Your poem is regal. It's a majestic work of art, just like nature. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  15. I would love to walk this path. Such magnificence!

  16. It can happen in a moment...and sometimes only once. I enjoyd your write and the photo.

  17. Transformation can be so difficult, or it can be swift and easy. Enjoyed!


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