
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why We Write image

"A poet doesn't write because she has a solution.
She writes because she has hope."
Hannah Gosselin

We pick up the pen to write the words 
we cannot speak aloud.
We write to loose the feelings 
too powerful to keep inside.
We write to say we care, in hopes our words 
move other hearts.

We write to spread light and love,
hoping those who need encouragement 
will tiptoe away from our words
with renewed hope, knowing they are not alone.

We write hoping that those who read our words
will know who we are.
We write so when we are gone, 
our children may one day say
"this is who she was", in case they didn't know.

We write the way birds sing:
the notes are within, and they want to come out,
gladsong at morning,
evensong at close of day.
We write to leave a trail that says:
to find me, come this way.

for my prompt at Midweek Motif: the joy of poetry. Why do we write?


  1. luv your sequences and images, particularly those of "gladsong and evensong"

    have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  2. "gladsong" and "evensong" such a delicious choice of words to end this paean to poetry!

    Poems at Daybreak

  3. This is soo beautiful.. indeed we pen those words which reside in our hearts.. which can not be kept inside too long. Excellent write :D

    Lots of love,

  4. "We write the way birds sing" -- YES.

  5. Such an amazing poem, Sherry. The last paragraph is my favorite. Read it again and again.

  6. We write to leave a trail, come find me. Ha. Nice close. I think on some level we all want to be found. We write for so many reasons, many just the compulsion and fear of what happens if we dont, maybe to leave a bit of ourselves behind in hopes of being remembered as well. Nicely penned Sherry.

  7. Very fine ... this is who she is/was her deepest silences.

  8. A powerful inspirational quote to begin with...smiles.

    "We write the way birds sing:
    the notes are within, and they want to come out,
    gladsong at morning,
    evensong at close of day.
    We write to leave a trail that says:
    to find me, come this way."....Ah - just lovely!!!...---great piece, sherry!

  9. truth expressed freely and with well chosen words..that make this a real poem...reality of expression

  10. All the reason why I write. Wonderful, Sherry

  11. " find me, come this way" What a reward it is for the poet to have a reader moved by their words.

  12. So many good reasons to write. So true that oftentimes we write what we cannot say & also that we hope that when we write we will be known! And yes, when we are gone, our words will remain....expressing just who we are. Thank you, Sherry, for your prompt AND your poem.

  13. fabulous Dear One.

    "to find me come this way" - I Will Walk There Again :)

  14. We write to leave a trail that says:
    to find me, come this way.
    Sherry.. fantastic...well said. Exactly why I write.. can so connect to this!

  15. "We write the way birds sing:
    the notes are within, and they want to come out,"..truth beautifully captured..

  16. We write to leave a trail that says:
    to find me, come this way.

    Classic ending Sherry! Poets and artists are remembered through their works. It need not even be volumes of writing but just a one-pager is enough!


  17. "We write the way the birds sing..." Love this!

  18. Agree with every single word, Sherry and I think maybe this is one of your best!

  19. Oh Sherry I love every line in this. I think you've covered everything for me, why I write. But how beautifully you've said it. I'm stunned by the beauty and truth in this poem Sherry. I too think it's one of your best.

  20. So good Sherry!! And you warm my heart greatly to include my quote! Thank you!

    I love this,

    "We write so when we are gone,
    our children may one day say
    "this is who she was", in case they didn't know."

    this makes me teary...resonates for sure!

    What a beautiful poem!

  21. I love Hannah's quote and that ending line speaks of the passion of writing poetry very eloquently ~ Your words also resonated with me ~

  22. writing to be found. that makes sense - maybe that's the main reason why i write cuase often i feel so unseen in the daily treadmill

  23. One thing that struck me: Your will to "loose" the feelings... without losing them. Yes, yes. Great interview with Hank, too, hon! Amy

  24. Love Hannah's quote and you have captured the 'why' arena for most of us,


  25. We write just the way we breathe because it keeps us alive.

  26. Ah, yes... The poems words like the crumbs left as a trail in the forest, hoping to show the way. :-)

  27. we write because it is *magic* that these scratches carry power and meaning to other souls... ~


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