
Saturday, August 1, 2015


A poem by my talented son, Jeff Siddhartha Crazy Horse Marr, sometimes known as Squawking Crow


The older we grow, the nearer to heaven
We go: the stars of the sky yet within reach,
And the heart of the ocean and high mountain
Peaks have yielded their secrets in songs and speech.
We look on as youth dances upon the grass
In summer, where wild-flowers bloom for a day.
To the highest cliff-edge we wearily pass
Remembering childhood, how merrily we’d play!
How tired we became! and all looking back
Is a long road that leaves nowhere we have stayed.
Turning the last corner, this wide-wakeful track
Leaves us sober: all gains may still be unmade.
    Dancing hand in hand with our children on snow
    We approach the last doorway of light, and know.

By Jeffrey Merk


  1. How beautiful...talented indeed, Sherry. He has an admirer in me! The age of getting older is an interesting one that's for sure!

  2. This is beautiful, Sherry! I just love the last couplet.

  3. So, beautiful and peaceful. Glad to know that he has the name" Siddharth" in between his name.It is the other name of Lord Buddha.

  4. Such a lovely piece, I sent it to my neighbor, we were just talking about growing older. Thank you Sherry and Jeffery.

  5. I'm old enought to consider your son still so young. Yet, it seems his mother's wisdom was inherited and he writes like an old soul. Tell him he writes beautifully, tenderly. I enjoyed this so much, though it made me feel old.

  6. Beautiful piece. He is so talented. I don't dwell much on getting older. I will have plenty of time for that later. :)

  7. Beautiful piece. He is so talented. I don't dwell much on getting older. I will have plenty of time for that later. :)

  8. how true and thoughtful , all these years of our life everything washes over us , nothing remains , only some memories and the presence of now .........beautifully written.....philosophical too


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