
Saturday, May 9, 2015

My Heart is a Fiddlehead Fern

My heart is a wild fiddlehead fern,
unraveling its stem slowly as I raise my face 
to the sun.

My veins are sap rising,
sending nourishment to my leafy arms
waving at the sky.

My feet are planted deeply
in Mother Earth,
loving the warm dark underworld,
so rich with life and nourishment,
so sustaining,
that encourages my unfolding.

My heart is a wild fiddlehead fern,
that needs an intact forest
to survive.

We think that we are apart from nature, when in truth, we are just another of nature's creatures, neither less nor more important. We are systems, intricately designed, by a Master Engineer, to give us - each human, each worm, each fiddlehead fern - exactly what we need to survive, as long as we understand our interconnection with all things. And even when we don't, so generous is Mother Earth to her creatures.

This is one from 2014, reposted for  Poetry Pantry # 251. Happy sunny Sunday to one and all!


  1. Beautiful, Sherry. Indeed we are all nature's creatures. I really like the third stanza...with feet being planted firmly in Mother Earth! And Happy Sunday to you too!

  2. I love this.. I can see we where thinking around the same theme.. the thought of the fiddlehearted fern is so intriguing.

  3. Love both poems--the one in the commentary as well as the one set aside. And as I read, I felt my own fiddlehead-ness unfurling!

  4. An awareness close to the heart for all but some just take it for granted.


  5. I remember this poem - beautiful to read again Sherry ~ Happy spring day ~ Happy weekend ~

  6. It's so uplifting to think of oneself as a part of Nature...beautiful...

  7. How much is in danger of being lost by mankind's blindness. Sadly for a businessman or developer beauty is in the sound and feel of money.

  8. the feet planted deep in earth... head towards the sky - the sun - that is a good place to be - and we do need to care well for our earth - and so often we don't

  9. i do so worry about the world my grandchildren are going to inherit in their adulthoods.

    Happy Sunday to you as well, Sherry!

  10. I was drawn in first by the sound of the rhythmical..and then I understood (just a little ) what they mean...the greatest mother is underneath our feet perhaps..all around us above us and in us

  11. This is absolutely beautiful Sherry.. :D
    Wishing you happy mother's day!

    Lots of love

  12. Wild fiddlehead fern raising its face to the sun is a beautiful image...

  13. '...and into one anothers being mingle, why not i with thine'...

    all our roots are intermingled through mother earth.

    have a lovely fulfilled mother's day, mi amiga

  14. Thanks for the reminder Sherry. We are indeed a part of the creation, we have our own roles to play.

    What a mother's day tribute and reminder to Mother Earth.

    Happy Mother's Day, Sherry :)

  15. Lovely Sherry and very wise, for we are just a very small part of this wonder that is mother earth.
    Anna :o]

  16. Another one of your marvelous experience with nature.

  17. A perfect verse to remind us the simplest plants have so much in common with us....we cannot live without them and they cannot live with us unless we are willing to work with them....

  18. Oh, Sherry - from start to finish...gorgeous and meaningful. ♥

  19. A wonderful - and very thought provoking - extended metaphor. You are one of my favorite naturalist poets, Sherry. Not only are you brilliantly prolific in the genre - you are a voice, a herald and an advocate for all life. Kudos to you!

  20. "My heart is a wild fiddlehead fern,
    that needs an intact forest
    to survive."
    You said it, Sherry. That too beautifully... Life is about balance, and we must not take more than our humble share. Caring for the land brings its own rewards....we need to understand!

  21. Wonderful poem Sherry and the photo is especially lovely.

  22. with the beauty of nature....absolutely love the line, "my veins are sap rising"--lovely :-)

  23. I love the beautiful images of heart, veins and feet interconnected with earth! We all need to survive 'intact forest' ! x

  24. nice! They are about to burst over here too.

  25. Such wise words and such a tasty topic.

  26. We would have such respect for nature if we understood fully our interconnectedness with all. I love this poem. It's a perfect reminder.


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