
Saturday, November 29, 2014



I put on the day
like a prayer shawl
and count my beads
of gratitude.

We had our first fall of snow, and everything is so beautiful outside, I can only repeat these words, written a few years back on a similarly snowy morning, to describe the way the beauty makes me feel.

Happy Winter, everyone!


  1. ah! the mesmerising beauty.............

  2. Snow is so quiet, I had no idea we had more of it until I tried to open the back door to let Lindy out. But it certainly is beautiful, and the paving crew can't work in it, so I'm grateful for the quiet.
    Luv, K

  3. Oh, those trees are lovely! Enjoy the beauty of the first snowfall, Sherry.

  4. nice...i love the hush of falling snow...and how it makes the world look so fresh...we had our first on wednesday...not much though...hoping for more soon! smiles.

  5. shhh, listen to the whisper of winter.

    the first of every season has its own unique titllation.

    nice, mi amiga

  6. Yes, winter is here again…today the sun is shinning, but snow will come again as it has in your neck of the woods…thank you Sherry!

  7. First of all - stunning shots, Sherry! And how you describe it? Superb!

  8. The snow is lovely and the poem a delight.

  9. Love the verse and your photos, especially that first one...may I play with it, please?


  10. It doesn't snow where I live. And looking at those gorgeous pictures of a snow-covered landscape, I feel desperate to be there. Also love the beautiful, poetic line accompanying the pics. :P

  11. I wish I was there in those photos..
    I nva experienced snow ..
    Jz beautiful & gr8 clicks too

  12. Hey Sherry--thanks for your kind words-- and what pics and poem--beautiful and wise. We have had a very beautiful snow here--I did not take many pics as my phone/camera kept dying in the cold--but it was just stunning--and yours looks amazing too--it is a beautiful time of year, I find. Thanks. k.

  13. So gorgeous Sherry. Thank you for the pictures. I appreciate snow in pictures more than in real life. I don't like the cold. But the beauty is breathtaking. I like your short poem - it says it all.

  14. I love the idea of counting our beads of gratitude...a wonderful visual image for me to remember.

  15. I'm so glad you shared them again, Sherry...the prayer shawl is so sacred and fits the imagery so well. Beautiful indeed. ♥

  16. The snow has melted but winter air is so cold ~ But I am counting my beads of gratitude too ~

  17. You have a beautiful shawl! And thank you for reminding me to count my gratitude-I love this poem! Gorgeous photos-too!


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