
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Diversions on the Path

Diversions, distractions, on the path?
Traveler, diversions are the path. 
We take the offshoot, circle back, resume the trek again.
The journey loops and backtracks to make necessary gain.

Traveler diversions are the path.
There is no way made straight from here to there.
The journey loops and backtracks to make necessary gain.
You have to circle to get anywhere.

There is no way made straight from here to there.
Seek here, seek there, for it is all The Way.
You have to circle to get anywhere.
And when you weary, Traveler, stop and pray.

Seek here, seek there, for it is all The Way.
We take the offshoot, circle back, resume the trek again.
And if you weary, Traveler, stop and pray,
when you encounter those diversions on the path.

Susan at Poets United's Mid-Week Motif, asks us to ponder distractions, or stops along the way. my path has been would think there must be some material back there somewhere......I decided to try a pantoum, just to make it more interesting.


  1. Know what? I reckon you've had my husband for a navigator. Listening to him, even with a compass in his always gets us lost. He even argues with NatSav.
    Love the way in which your words themselves backtrack tryiong to keep you on the straight and narrow.

  2. ha. the diversion is the helps you find new things too...but def when you are truly lost...a little divine help is not a bad thing

  3. "Traveler diversions are the path." Sherry, that is one of the best lines I have read in a long time.

  4. Diversions can be very interesting, even if at times feel like an inconvenience. Nice poem!

  5. YES! How clever and lovely to find the seeds of newness in the repetitions! And to find the stop and the prayer. I could and did read this poem again and again. Sherry. Brilliant way of sharing truth. Diverting indeed.

  6. stop and pray... & that right there is the key. I enjoyed your pantoum, Sherry.

  7. Oh the pantoum works great with this circling about looking for the way. Boy life can be topsy turvey can't it? Nicely done Sherry

  8. The distractions are the delight.

  9. I think you are right there is no such thing as a straightforward journey..diversions can reap rewards..wise words..

  10. Deeply engrossing interesting and enlightening.Reminds me of our trip to USA when I had all the time to look outside the van as we traveled by road, the distraction in my sightseeing was the alarming cry 'exit exit exit' Oh No Daddy we are out of the map' ' wake up' my niece had the map and my brother in law behind the was real fun -unforgettable trip...but life has store...

  11. Ha. process. And so right. Thanks for the reminder so well put. K.

  12. Sounds like the road to nowhere:)

  13. Though there are diversions, I am sure eventually you will find your way!

  14. sometimes I think my path got stuck, like an escalator whose power was cut off... ~


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