
Friday, November 1, 2013

The Color of Today

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The first day of November 
is suddenly winter-coloured,
the blaze of leaves has dropped 
from branch to ground,
people busily raking away 
one more autumn.
Gray sky, gray clouds, gray river, 
gray geese flying south, honking.

Alongside the highway, 
grinning down from rock ledges,
perched along fallen trees,
are last night's pumpkins, jaunty,
having made their way from the party
to greet smiling motorists
on their way to work.

When will the next touch of colour
light up our fogged-in valley sky?
Winter draws a gray curtain across town,
we load up with library books 
and rented movies
and start making soup..

The critters are preparing, too.
At the playground today,
my friend saw a mama bear and her cub,
right in town, worrysomely so.
Her search for food has brought her
into the danger zone for bears.

The colour of the animals' hunger
as we invade their landscape
brings them perilously past
the point of fear.

Claudia at dVerse wants us to write about Colours. Great prompt. Do check out the other links on the site. There are sure to be some colourful responses!


  1. that time of year has settled brought that winter feeling forward...

  2. Gray, gray is everywhere ~ I feel cocooning myself but still writing though ~ The animals are scampering close for food ~ Winter is coming ~

  3. Wow. Your town goes deep, like a hibernating bear--but they have to be full up to hibernate, right? I'm writing about how color doesn't leave--but we might mean the same thing.

  4. I love the deep feeling of your gray and the ending so punches the color of fear~

  5. interesting ending here.. i love your gray images.

  6. This is beautiful ... the words are really picturesque :-)


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