
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Old Woman of the Sea

The Old Woman of the Sea
surveys the cloudscape,
while the wind billows her cape
as she stands atop a dune
from early morning until noon
watching the waves break.

The Old Woman of the Sea,
she feels a sadness,
for the times that are no more,
for all that came before,
for all the losses
as she stood waving goodbye 
on the shore.

In the Old Woman and the Sea
-this the Wind did tell to me -
joy also rises,
for the times that came before
have filled her spirit More,
suffering bringing wisdom 
in life's disguises.

The Old Woman of the Sea,
she is a wild one.
She has a poet's heart,
she took too long to get this smart,
but the old woman of the sea
- and this the Wind did tell to me - 
the winding path that led her to the sea
is the route it took to set her spirit free.

The Old Woman loves the sea
and feels joy rising:
so much beauty everywhere,
she can only stand and stare,
at a loveliness almost too great to bear.

The Old Woman of the sea,
she is a traveler,
back and forth to the seashore,
to memories of time before,
her heart beating to the rhythm of the sea
and - this the wind did finally tell to me -
she knows all is as t'was always meant to be.

One from the archives of 2011, kids, as I am severely under the weather this week. Will make my way to you as I am able. Thanks for your patience.


  1. A lovely pen. To your health, Sherry ~ Michael

  2. the path that led her to the see being the one she needs to take to be free...i like that much give us a nice glimpse of who she really is through this as well...i hope you feel better sherry

  3. Ah, Sherry, the Old Woman of the Sea IS a wild one, and I have no doubt she will be making her way back to the sea soon... Her poet's heart requires the nurture of the sea, and she will find a way to make this possible. There IS sadness in remembering what was, but can be joy in anticipating what will be ahead. Peace and health to you, Sherry!

  4. Yes, the Old Woman of the Sea knows the wildness of her heart-keeps her afloat! I loved reading this Sherry~

    Yes, I hope you feel better!

  5. "She has a poet's heart,
    she took too long to get this smart,"

    I love your wit. Get better - can't have you under-the-weather for long.

  6. we all love this sea loving poet....great lines........get better.. :)

  7. Love this poem. Reminds me of a woman I saw chanting to the waves in Hawaii. Of course I see you in it too. I hope you feel better soon. Wish I lived close by. I'd take you some soup. But I do send you my virtual hugs.


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