
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Last Chance To Slow It Down

Yes, sorry, kids, it is gloomy old me again. A friend sent me this video this morning, about the urgency of slowing methane emmissions (at risk of being massively launched by global warming and the melting of polar ice and tundra) in order to prevent going beyond the tipping point where it will be too late. This is a succinct, clear and well expressed explanation, and an urgent message made by global scientists. I feel compelled to post it, as until enough of us become actively opposed, we are all in peril. More frightening, our children and their children will be dealing with disasters on a global scale.


  1. I just watched the Last Hours video. Shudder.

  2. Thank you Sherry! Yes we need to wake much greed in the world~

  3. We have to wake is fragile at best and when greed blinds we are in big trouble.

  4. it is so depressing. People wont do anything until it's too late. Thanks, k. (manicddailt)

  5. Greed gets in the way, chemtrails add to it and just poison us too.

  6. Unfortunately, poets are not the ones whose greed is called to question here. We would stop fracking and pipelines and oil spills if we could, but people with far more power, and far more money, are the ones who are being greedy.
    I have a terrible feeling it is already too late. I was talking to my 12-year-old niece on the phone today, and the idea that the world may not be here for her to grow up in is unbearable.

  7. It is frustrating that we have known about carbon emissions since the sixties, yet, nothing changed. I call it "follow the money." They were making it "hand over fist," and they didn't want to tamper with their profits to do something then, or even now. "What Happened to the Electric Car?" They did it, then, but is got quashed...follow the money. Not only are fossil fuels dirty, they are finite, follow the money. So sad that money is the major motivation, the thing that rules the world and to hell with everything and everyone else. Eventually "they" will be forced to change, but will it be in time? Thanks for sharing Sherrie.

  8. Thank you, Sherry for the video! I've shared...


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