
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Spin Us the Web of Peace

Spider Woman
by Susan Boulet
from the Goddess Knowledge Cards

Grandmother Spider,
weave your gossamer threads 
around this spinning planet.
Reconnect us to
the web of life,
to our place in the cosmos.
Remind us
of our interdependence
on the earth
and its every living
and non-living thing.
Let one perfect dewdrop fall
to coat the morning.

Weave your web
artfully through our hearts,
so that we become caught up 
in earth's beauty
and wish to do nothing
to mar its perfection.

Raven is casting a black eye
upon the clouds and cacophony
of war.
Mother Earth is weeping
at our lack of unity.
But wait! 
Coyote is singing you
his weaving song.
Come! Quickly!
wrap us
in silken threads
of planetary

I am posting this for Mary's prompt at dVerse later today: Peace. It is the U.N. World Peace Day, so it's a timely topic. (It is always a timely topic.) Do click over to dVerse, as there will be some wonderful poems about peace to peruse.


  1. Yes, wait! A song cuts through the crap and when we hear it--when spider hears it--the weaving can begin. I suspect, as with all spider webs I have seen, it's been started and respun--not quite from scratch--many times.

  2. Sherry, I like the image of the spider spinning threads around this spinning planet....connecting us to the web of life and reminding us of our interdependence. I am sure that Mother Earth DOES indeed weep sometimes at all that humanity has wrought.

    Wishing you peace on this International Day of Peace, Sherry!

  3. I like this soooooo much! Wonderful!

  4. This is truly wonderful. A perfectly woven tapestry. And this, my favorite line:

    Let one perfect dewdrop fall
    to coat the morning.

  5. i so wished we could weave a web of peace around the world..what a comfortable feel would that be... i associate safety with the web..the fine threads...each of us doing the small things they can to weave it..nice

  6. so true in how we are interconnected and woven together....we forget that focusing on our own personal needs and get out of might take something as large a mother spider wrapping the world in the web to get us to change and achieve something close to peace...

  7. We need the right deities to intervene... the humanity can't do this alone.. your poem reads like a prayer.

  8. We're all interconnected and totally dependent on the environment around us - although we too easily forget that, especially those of us who had the good fortune to be born in the world's wealthiest nations.

  9. I love these ancient wisdom poems of yours, Sherry... particularly here, the final lines - yes, may we soon be wrapped in planetary peace

  10. I like the message of interconnection and being dependent on mother nature ~ Weave us warmly in your silken threads ~

  11. I love that you chose these Native symbols and Spider Woman who I know as "Weaves the Web." (Perhaps you know of Jamie Sams' book the 13 Original Clan Mothers). Yes, may she weave us a web of peace and connection that allows us to see from many points of view and accept one another with all our differences.

  12. Coyote and spider calls us to peace. So lovely and fitting, Sherry.

  13. A wonderfully heartfelt prayer,Serry, with beautiful traditional roots. Thanks. (It's Karin, of ,Manicddaily on iPad! ). K

  14. wrap us
    in silken threads
    of planetary

    Beautifully expressed Sherry! A web of peace to envelop the whole wide world. How nice! The trouble is those who can make a difference aren't doing much! Nicely!


  15. beautiful, you're very talented Sherry. As i was reading this the music of Lisa Thiel came to mind.
    Love xx

  16. Wonderful poem! Loved the imagery & the idea that we are all connected & needed to bring about peace on this earth! :-)

  17. :)we all should request earnestly to her

  18. we all strive for it, i hope, i love what you said about interdependence.

  19. Sherry, I like how you stress our inter connectivity and interdependence through the imagery of Grandmother Spider. We are indeed connected and need to remember it. I hope sometimes Mother Earth does not weep and appreciates what some achieve.


  20. a beautiful web of peace where each one is connected.......

  21. Ahh, to be, "caught up in earth's beauty and wish to do nothing to mar its perfection." If only everyone could see the world in this way, at least for moments.

  22. Ah yes... to wrapped in "silken threads of planetary peace" Oh Sherry I feel so held and safe and smiling ... Thank you :)

  23. Oh, mi amiga. In these words I wish to echo Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik's sentiment that this made me also... feel held safe and smiling...
    This is what we, all living things, wish for if only for a moment.


  24. The weaving continues despite being broken....

  25. It expresses your point of view on various issues well.

  26. Beautiful Sherry. We do need that web of peace. Let the weaving begin - with us.

  27. Beautiful, Sherry, and powerful. Full of wisdom. Yes, we forget our actions affect everything we come into contact with.

  28. I love the image of a grandmother spider weaving a peaceful web. Just lovely, Sherry!

  29. Simply beautiful. Spider webs are extremely strong, so there is hope for us all.

  30. Beautiful message Sherry we are all connected in the web of life..if a strand is weak the web is weak..powerful write..may we find strength in unity.

  31. I like the idea of a web connecting us in a more integral way than www.

  32. Very well thought out & my fave reconnect us to the web of life.

  33. Each thing connects another indeed

  34. We have a lot of wrapping to do! I love the imaginary and how you guided beautifully woven! :D Really wonderful~

  35. amen (and I love your fotos of pacific beaches)

  36. Sherry,your words spin the web of peace in your poems. Thank you!

  37. I love this -- it feels sacred, like prayer.

    I want to know more about the Soul Card Journey!

  38. oh Sherry, this is such a beautiful prayer-poem. thank you!

  39. Good Morning You Wild and Wonderful life. Have a Peaceful week.

  40. this planet needs a big dose of peace and perhaps this giant web can do the job..

  41. One of my very favorite Susan Seddan Boulet paintings, to be sure. I call her Sophia, the ancient word for wisdom. This reads like a prayer, my friend. Would that many others would speak as well.



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