
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
Aldous Huxley

Silence, from which all music comes,
her dearest friend,  lives in her heart.
While others mark their hours with sound,
an inner  music  she has found.

In that vast silence, held within,
are stems and leaves of who she is,
tendrils through the years  unfurled,
at home within the bigger world.

Counterpoint to the full brass band
of daily existence's loud roar,
is the Listener Within, content to Be,
who hears a cosmic symphony

The music of life plays through her soul
like a mellow clarinet weaving its notes
through golden summer afternoons
that will be  silenced all too soon.

Posted for Mary's prompt at Poetry Jam : The Sounds of Silence, a song by Simon and Garfunkle that I loved back in the day, and love still.


  1. I like what you did with this, Sherry. I like the idea of music of life playing through one's soul. One has to enjoy it while one can because, so true, it will be silenced soon enough.

  2. it is good she has found that music within the world is a large and loud place at times....and amidst it at least she has that music to guide her...

  3. I like that you used the clarinet for that inner silence, a wood-wind is perfect, especially one with a reed. Someday I'll find out if it truly gets silenced.

  4. A fitting echo of the song, and the phrase, "The Listener Within," is so wonderful. It's that inner conversation between our celestial/spiritual selves and our earth-tethered souls that means the most. Congrats, well done! Amy

  5. I love this song. I also love your take on this. Nicely done!

  6. Very nice. I absolutely love your second verse.

  7. I also love the song, and the idea of a cosmic symphony within. And the clarinet...when I was 15, Mr. Acker Bilk's "Stranger on the Shore" was first popular, and I simply had to find myself a boyfriend who could play the clarinet.

  8. Oh Sherry ... I would like to believe I hear the cosmic symphony. Such a lovely poem.

  9. Your boy "pup" plays his song in your heart while the sky and the oceans accompany. This piece true and heart warming for me. Ah, mi Amiga

  10. Your boy "pup" plays his song in your heart while the sky and the oceans accompany. This piece true and heart warming for me. Ah, mi Amiga

  11. Lovely lines, Sherry.
    "Counterpoint to the full brass band
    of daily existence's loud roar,
    is the Listener Within, content to Be,
    who hears a cosmic symphony"--awesome!

    This beautiful poem reminds me of the Nada sound in buddhist /hindu circle, which is very useful for meditation.
    Love this!!

  12. I love that song and I love what you wrote to the prompt. I really do love silence.

  13. Everything that you said is so true and so beautifully framed.

  14. Sherry I love the way you think--and write:-) Music is in all of us and so often we don't hear it unless we can be still--beautiful:-)

  15. 'Silence, from which all music comes',- this line immediately grab my attention...and then the image of 'a mellow clarinet'...sad ending though about last summer days and anticipation of silent afternoon...,but music - infinite, and life - too...Very thoughtful poem.

  16. Beautiful! I love so many lines and I love this song you chose to align with~
    Gorgeous! I must read it again :D

  17. Oh wow Sherry this is exquisite I really love the fall of the poem, so lyrical =)

  18. So many good things to enjoy in this, a delight to read and to think about.

  19. Lovely! We should all cultivate that inner music. A beautiful response to the prompt.

  20. Great stance on the hearing of music of silence. It's loudest when one makes it a business to be aware it's there. Great write Sherry!


  21. thanks for sharing this......well done

  22. lovely poem - a symphony of sounds of silence

  23. ...before i discover i love poetry... music have been almost a constant companion (though i mostly sing in the bathroom..hihi... ) ...and yes... it keeps us going.... smiles...

  24. I like the idea that all music come from silence. I never thought about it that way, but so true. Everyone should try to find their music within, but it can be buried or even silenced. But it is still there to be found.

  25. The music of life plays through her soul - I love this line really sums up how the joy of life is there to be lived, not just left to silence. Well Done,

  26. Silence, from which all music comes,

    Beatiful. and we all end in silence... Very nice, Sherry. The whole piece really sounds, to my ears, just like their songs!


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