
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Speed Bumps

I'm still here, kids....have been experiencing a few speed bumps, computer glitches interfering with my internet reception, which is why I am slow getting around to all of your sites. Hoping to get them resolved this weekend. I hate to think of all the good poetry I have been missing. Will try to visit all of you by the end of this weekend.


  1. I'll be right here rush.

  2. I'm back. Looks like we done good with our confabulation.
    Luv, K

  3. Good luck with getting the issues resolved, Sherry. So hard when Internet does not work right.

  4. hope those computer issues clear up for you sherry....they frustrate me...

  5. Hang in there! I went through that recently.

  6. If I reapeat myself here it's because I just had one of 'dem dare glitches'.

    The comments all reflect a common experience we've all shared.

    We're here for you mi amiga

  7. I hope you are fine Sherry ~ I am in BC for family vacation, and wow to the scenery ~ I want to retire here, ha ~


Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate it and will return your visit soon.