
Friday, March 15, 2013

My Choice

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In my kit bag of memories
swirl moments of darkness and pain,
and moments brilliant with sunshine, laughter,
and the growing of a whole heart.

I could dip my hand in and pull out
the musty dark ones,
but those I banish to the farthest reaches
of my mind, to the Past,
to my youthful incompleteness.

Instead, my mind watches a constant smiling rotation
of beloved friends, beloved children, 
beloved grandchildren and other small wayfarers 
I have cared for,
beloved pets, 
all dancing on the green earth, in joy,
under the bluest of skies. 

My choice.

At Real Toad's last Mary's Mixed Bag, Kerry has set us the challenge to imagine holding a bag, carrying two items, one that heals and one that harms. Do check out the other links, for some very imaginative responses to this prompt.


  1. hello sherry,first of all thanks for such a generous comment on my peice,second yours is such an inspiring one,i wish the ease with which you have focused on the good in life and to forget the bad was something everybody could do ..

  2. There's always an element of the wisdom of experience in your work that leaves me spellbound and thoughtful. A wonderful message - live today, count your blessings and let the bad times stay in the past.

    Wish you a happy weekend :)

  3. This is indeed wonderful, Sherry. I, too, love your attitude (it's even fun on the days when you are having a bad attitude).
    Luv, K

  4. It definitely is good to banish those dark memories and focus on the good ones, Sherry. Such a positive piece of writing here! I 'like.'

  5. How lovely, Sherry! The good stuff is always the right choice ;-)

  6. Always a pleasure to read your work Sherry! And I think you made the best choice!

  7. Sherry, the concept of choice has never sounded so good as in this poem. THe idea of a stew of your whole life in your bag, a moveable feast of people, places, and beloved animals... lovely. Peace, Amy

  8. This made me look at my life from an outer perspective like in your poem. I like how you compare, and then I enjoy the last stanza most.

  9. Again, you go for the good stuff! The Best!

  10. Wow! So positive. Life goes on and how we go about it is our choice! I hv mailed you, just in case u do not get it, my mail id is

  11. "youthful incompleteness" - good!

    Speaks for most everyone.

  12. Wow...The best way to ensure consistent victory is in making the correct choice. Self-trust is the first secret of success!!
    That was indeed an inspiring piece, Sherry! So wonderful...

  13. I love your bag, I might make one of my own for these black days

  14. I love yours~ Gorgeous! A wonderful inspired poem :D

  15. This beautiful piece is like a life lesson for me. I love the last lines. All dancing under bluest skies. Its exhorting to love and be joyful and shake away the hate the world throws on you.

  16. choose the light! choose the light! thank you, Sherry.

  17. You are making such beautiful choices when you reach into your bag of life!

  18. This is brilliant. I love your choice...I hope I make the same one more times than not.

  19. I like the memories you chose. I would chose those too.


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