
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Raven Moon


what are you saying,
when you look at me
with one eye?

Shapes shifting 
in the mist;
an owl, suddenly,
yellow eyes
like swinging lanterns -
what does it mean
when she ululates
and points
into the forest
with her
feathered wing?

A white cloud
trails across 
your black-mooned sky.
Perched atop
a fencepost,
a shaman
in ceremonial feathers
is smoking
the pipe of peace.

With his kind eyes,
he is 
looking at me,
and smiling.

Kids, Laurie set us an intriguing challenge at Real Toads on Friday in her A Word With Laurie series. (I'm late, as usual!) She wanted us to use the word phantasmagorical , which is described variously as something in a dream, having the appearance of an optical illusion, or a fantastic or deceptive appearance. I didnt use the word, but wrote to the meaning of the word.

I watched a raven fly overhead this morning, and the beginnings of this poem began. But the part about the shaman, or medicine man, actually happened to me. When I first fell ill in Tofino, the beginning of a huge change in my life, I woke one morning to see a shaman's face right in front of my eyes - he was in full ceremonial feathers, and his eyes were very kind. He was smiling at me. I took it as an assurance that I would be all right and, in fact, after a turbulent year or two, I was. As quickly as I saw him, his face faded into my waking reality. Now that I remember, it was a medicine man I knew from working among First Nations - he knew I was ill, and likely was praying for me that morning, so strongly that his face appeared before me. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio.........

I will also post this for the Poetry Pantry at Poets United


  1. I enjoyed this, Sherry. You really worked the challenge well. My favorite part is the shaman in ceremonial features looking at you and smiling! You made it seem SO real.

  2. Wow, I believe this, in vision quest or the surreal corner of your eye. Beautiful and positive. Thank you too for the back story.

  3. Ah Sherry I can always come here to be blessed...I am sure the shaman was praying for you. Beautiful piece!

  4. I love this, such great imagery that outlines one of my favorite orbs-the moon ;D Wonderful!

  5. Ah, to have a raven fly over! I miss them. I have at least a hundred poems to write about them. There are crows where I live now and I haven't got to know them, but know they are not the same.

  6. I have ravens come to my bird feeder but I cannot gain their trust and they always leave if I open the front door.

  7. I really liked the last two verse of this - nicely enigmatic and mysterious to match the image.

  8. No reason you are the vanguard of this while project.

    You don't muck-around. Your visions are universal and solid:

    "Perched atop
    a fencepost,
    a shaman
    in ceremonial feathers
    is smoking
    the pipe of peace."

  9. Incredible imagery and great lines...yellow eyes like swinging favourite:-))

  10. Vision quest brought to life in words. Lovely.

  11. Ethereal , otherworldly! Love your spare use of words to create a the atmosphere in this one! And the ending is spot on!

  12. brilliant minds work alike ~ my new poem is about ravens, too. {smile}

  13. Although I learned (and savored) the world "ululate" in high school many years ago, I never thought of applying it to the sound an owl makes--but you did, much to my delight!

    Beggar and Buddha

  14. Wonderful - a poem - a challenge answered a raven and of course magic :)

  15. Amazing, Sherry! He was indeed praying... this is so powerful. Thanks for taking part in the challenge!

  16. Life is amazing, and we really do't know who may be sending us the best energy, it happens all the time. xoxoxoxo

  17. What a scene you present here. I love the surprise of the white cloud and the shaman at the end. Ominous in a way and hopeful, too. Maybe that one white cloud. :)

  18. Love the imagery and contrast between black and white.

  19. Beautiful Sherry... I love that you shared your dream into waking experience with us... we are all protected and wished well by beings we cannot touch, only feel.

  20. Amen to that.beautifully done.I love ur supernatural, shamanic poems.just the right amount of eerie, but nothing gory.perfect!

  21. When it comes to nature and essential truths, you are the fountainhead, Sherry. This poem is no exception. Your imagery and information vividly teach.

  22. Ravens are magical birds surely--I loved how you wove this tale--so beautifully done

  23. I love the symbolism and the spiritual realms you always take us to with your words. Shamanism comes alive in your verse.

  24. Great write Sherry. Loved the progression of this.

  25. Sherry, we all know your spiritual connection is very strong. To be ill and have the shaman appear is nothing short of a blessing, one of those small miracles in life, the apparition of a healing presence.

    And if anyone deserves that, it's you, honey. Love, Amy

  26. I really like ' yellow eyes
    like swinging lanterns' and 'black-mooned sky'...wonderful imagery. The whole write is fascinating.

  27. Ravens are magical creatures, but then shamen aren't exactly slouches, either. Love this piece, the whole of it: photo, poem, and notes.


  28. This gives many images and sounds to the reader very mystical.

  29. How ethereal! I can see the raven and then the owl and the shaman in feathers and pipe and with kind eyes. I like this vision. :)

  30. I enjoyed reading this, Sherry.

    You are so right; there is so much more in this world than we know.

  31. This section is so great:

    "an owl, suddenly,
    yellow eyes
    like swinging lanterns -
    what does it mean
    when she ululates"

  32. Sherry, somehow I almost missed this post. So glad I didn't. It's beautiful. I love your words. It's nice there was a real Shaman in your past. Hope mysteriously, he's with you always.


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