
Friday, December 21, 2012

Not Just Treaty Rights, but Human Rights photo

Heroes and warriors come in all shapes and sizes. Today, across Canada, thousands are gathering in many cities, in the bitter wind and snow and cold. The Idle No More movement  is gathering steam, as First Nations communities across Canada - and their supporters (I am one) - gather to support Atawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence, in her eleventh day of a hunger strike.

You may remember last year when I blogged Chief Spence announcing a state of emergency on her reserve, in one of the cold northern communities in eastern Canada, where people were living in dire poverty, many without heat or running water - Third World conditions for the First People of this land.

Ms. Spence says not much has changed since then. All she wants is a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to discuss treaty negotiations. Harper  apparently met with Justin Bieber, when he was here,  but feels no urgency to meet with this woman who states she is "ready to die for my people." photo

An Idle No More movement has sprung up in response. This crowd marched on Parliament Hill this morning. photo

Here a thousand-person flashmob performed a traffic-stopping round dance in Toronto.

I am sorry to report this, in times that are already bleak. But I am heartened to see people taking a stand for justice, even in the bitter cold. Oppressed spirits always always rise. In Canada, this is the hour.

All My Relations.


  1. Sherry, I am unfamiliar with this situation in Canada, but I am glad that there are people such as yourself who follow these things and advocate...

  2. Hmmmm, never heard of this. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Survival is an inherent right more so in the land of plenty. This is a noble act in support of and every best wishes along the way. Wonderful take Sherry!


  4. Yet another example of human rights being trampled on...yes, I see exactly where you're headed with this article, Sherry. First Nations' lands will be sold off and nothing will be left. What an imbalance of priorities...will meet with Justin Bieber but not someone trying to protect her people's rights. Very sad sorry.

  5. The injustices which happened to all first nations tribes is inexcusable.
    That they still have to fight for basic rights is a disgrace.


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