
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wild Woman Returns

I'm back ,kids, and it was wonderful! The fall colors are breathtaking right now, all the way through the mountains. I so wanted to show you the misty cloud-draped mountains, the rivers, waterfalls, lakes and rocky cliffs all the way there. It is such a beautiful trip! But we would have had to stop every fifty feet, so I contented myself with remembering, so I could tell you.

When we arrived and unpacked, we decided to walk out and find a nearby beach, as the weather was good, no rain. This was only a ten minute walk from where Chris is house-sitting.

It was so lovely and blue, as the day turned itself towards evening.


My friend, Christine Lowther, Poet Extraordinaire

So beautiful.

Chris's meals are so healthy, beautiful, colorful and delicious.
I came home with Ideas!

On Friday, it rained. A lot. We made the rounds of the village thrift shop, and a couple of galleries full of beautiful West Coast art. Glorious. And then we layered up in rain gear and headed determinedly to the beach. I told Chris she is the only person I know who would take me for a beach walk when there was a gale warning. But she reminded me she lives there and thinks nothing of the rain. And I remembered when I was a resident, and wouldnt even "bother" to don rain gear unless it was a full-sized gale. 

My beloved Wickaninnish

Apparently, when I have a fleecy, a thin jacket and  Halle Hansen rain gear on,
all at the same time, my arms stick out to the sides, like a toddler in a snowsuit. 
And you should have seen Wild Woman in the parking lot, trying to 
struggle into her rain pants - much cackling! But that is a highly contented person, 
in the photo, even if her jacket IS buttoned up wrong!

This morning, before the bus came to carry me away, 
we managed a quick nip 
to another small local beach.

I remember being at this beach when half a dozen eagles
were here, swooping down to eat a certain type of small fish
that was plentiful in the bay that week.No eagles today, though. 

Still-lifes everywhere.

Pup loved dragging kelp around when
he was a puppy.

Right after this shot, I put my camera in its case.
Just then a heron swooped RIGHT over our heads, while I
uttered cries of dismay and fumbled with
my camera case. Apparently, the sound effects
were amusing. I didnt get the shot.

So  off we went to wait for the bus......heart very full with all the loveliness I had seen. Chris observed that aging, at least for me, seems to be rather like an acid trip - I see things that arent there, or things that are  there look like something else entirely, and I walk through the world either bemused with wonder, or totally cracking up at having mistaken a rock for a raccoon. She's not so far off the mark.

It was a lovely time, kids. It will last me till January, when I get to go back - next time, to Tofino!

Thanks, Chris, for a wonderful visit.

And thank you, World, for being so beautiful.


  1. This was so beautiful -it is even beautiful in the rain.

  2. Nice shot of bullkelp there Sherry. YOU brought up aging! You're right, the world is hilarious and so are we. Great visit.

  3. How lovely Sherry ~ I envy you for the trip to the beach and nature ~

    Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend ~

  4. I loved seeing all of that beauty through your eyes, Sherry. There is something so wonderful about being right there on the beach. I am sure you came home with many memories stored away until next time. Nice photos of you too!!

  5. I can just imagine how elated you must be, because I'm feeling two feet off the ground just reading this and looking at the pics!

  6. Awwww...look at you... Wonderful pics Sherry. So glad you got to go and do what you LOVE to do and be where you love to be :)

  7. It's so lovely there :) happy you got the trip out! You look awesome in the pictures - I love the one of you in the rain gear - your face is very bright and alive YAY :D xx

  8. Awesome trip! You're a very funny person!

  9. what beautiful landscape and country...

  10. Great photos Sherry. Ours is a beautiful world.


  11. What wonderful photos and words of explanation. You just treated me to a virtual vacation, and I am grateful!


Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate it and will return your visit soon.