
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Morning Song


She walks on the wings
of daybreak,
cloak trailing.
Mist is rising over the meadow
and the trees are emerging
from their blanket of darkness.

Small early birds
are hopping and cheeping
at the feeder.
The old brown mare
whuffs a greeting
over the rail fence,
as the last star
of the morning
slowly disappears,
and the snippet of moon
silently tiptoes away.

Where will today's path lead her?
One by one,
the days are moving on,
heading into a future
which is hidden from view.

One long last look back,
before turning her face
to the morrow,
already on its way,
as this dear old earth
turns and turns,
and turns again.


  1. I love the photo of Beau, Sherry; and so true about heading to the future. It comes oftentimes before we are ready, as the world keeps turning and turning. I enjoyed your reflections here.

  2. Am doing a daily visual prompt for November, Sherry. You should join us. This fits perfectly with today's image. We do travel well together,


  3. Of course, the image drew me first, and the poem has a wonderful "acceptance" to it.

  4. Love that photo of Beau!! So fuzzy, I love when they get their winter coats, they are so soft--Such a lovely poem, Sherry!! "snippet of moon silently tiptoes away" and the refrain in the end is soothing :-) Love this poem!

  5. What a wondrous morning song, Sherry.

  6. As peaceful and contemplative as the morn itself.

  7. You have captured both truth and how I feel today.

  8. Beautiful.
    Sometimes it's better not knowing where the future is going to take us and, just going, eh?

  9. love the photo of Beau Sherry...a beautiful hymn..

  10. Wow... Loved it!
    These words are awesome:
    "Where will today's path lead her?
    One by one,
    the days are moving on,
    heading into a future
    which is hidden from view."

  11. What beautiful poem written as though from a farming family always looking forward, never back.

  12. I love the feeling this poem leaves behind. Beautiful.

  13. So true, the earth keeps turning and we are going by the days without knowing where we are headed to :) lovely poem

  14. You "had me" at "she walks on the wings of daybreak" that m'dear is a poem on its own standing. Wonderful

  15. you have a horse... do believe he could teach us all a few things about walking in the moment

  16. Yes, the dear old earth keeps turning, despite our disappearing. That's some small comfort, I suppose.

    Whirling with Galway

  17. I can think of nothing to bring more joy than the whuffing of a dear old mare at daybreak!

    There is much to appreciate in this poem, Sherry.

  18. That particular line about the last star disappearing is both wistful and hopeful. i think most of us take time to pause and think about life... but at the end of the day, the world is still moving and we can't stop it.

  19. loved the peaceful imagery in the poem. and the quiet, contemplative tone of it. :)

  20. there is a melancholy poise to this piece which I adore.loved it.

  21. What an image of calm normalcy on the edge where the path begins. i wish she could take the mare with her as she goes, sothere is less sense of the dayturns. And yet moving on is also normal--there is no alarm, just determination. I relate.

  22. Beau is beautiful and looks so content with the snow...which I never am. :) Sherry, this is so beautiful. Those small steps we take...into a future not known.

  23. that is one of the beautiful things about a day eh? you dont know where it will lead until you live it...follow it....

  24. I love this poem, the way it flows is so simple yet elegant.

  25. "She walks on the wings
    of daybreak,
    cloak trailing."

    Beautiful opening, and as always you and the day take the reader by the hand as we wander the land, still of the living...

  26. "the last star
    of the morning
    slowly disappears,
    and the snippet of moon
    silently tiptoes away.'
    Sherry, I love the beautiful way you describe the transition between night and day. We often have little idea of what the future has in store but often a new day brings new joys.

  27. I love the passing decision about moving forward to the animal, to Beau..Humor here and seriousness of caring person...

  28. Nice, Sherry. For me it was very touching!
    You have such a way with words.

    'Where will today's path lead her?
    One by one,
    the days are moving on,
    heading into a future
    which is hidden from view.'

    Your words really got me today ;)

  29. "as the last star
    of the morning
    slowly disappears,
    and the snippet of moon
    silently tiptoes away"

    I can visualize the calm and quiet morning ...Beau standing alone ..listening to the chirping of birds. Beautifully done Sherry... :-)

  30. They are great animals and very intelligent. In this case Beau is also a beautiful species! Great lines Sherry!


  31. Still working at the manuscript and your poem gives me hope...thank you, my friend,


  32. I couldn't help but relate to this poem Sherry. What will her path be? What will my path be? So much stress and anxiety and depression has been with me lately that I am now starting to waken up again and now asking: what's my next feat? lovely early morning poem so far!


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