
Friday, November 30, 2012

Educate the Heart

Today, in my inbox, the Dalai Lama Centre in Vancouver 
sent me this timely message:

Prepare our children
for this world.
Educate the heart.

Having cared for children since I was twelve years old, I see how loving children's hearts are when they are young, and am saddened by how the experience of public school and peer pressure so often changes that, causes kids to feel Less Than, to doubt themselves, to lose the wholeness of heart with which they are born. (Of course, the home conditions of many contribute greatly to this, too.)

But this short clip makes a valid point. Children can be taught kindness and compassion. There are examples of schools - and one entire town, in  Fairfield, Iowa - where these concepts are part of the curriculum and of everyday life, for children and adults with radiant success.

The fastest way to a peaceful world is through our children. We must love them well.


  1. This is so true Sherry. We can see so strongly the effects of "not" educating the heart with bullying and many adults should seek educating their hearts.

  2. Sherry, you're so right. I like the video. Often, I wonder how to enrich my grandson's life by teaching him the art of kindness. I hope this gets the attention it deserves in educational circles.

  3. This is so true! Thanks for sharing!


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