
Monday, November 26, 2012

A Heart of Many Colors


She is a rainbow warrior
for peace,
a member of the tribe
of humankind.

She has a heart 
of many colors,
and her home
is Planet Earth.

Her spirit connects most
with the indigenous folk
of the world.

She takes the 
best medicine
of every culture.

On her altar are 
eagle feathers,
an abalone shell and sage,
amethyst crystals, wolves 
and an Inuukshuk.

On the wall hangs
a medicine shield
put together
at the powwow
by women
on their moon.
Strong medicine.
The braves steered clear,
so as not to 
weaken themselves 
before the sundance
by coming too close
to the womens' power.

On her bed, a blanket
with elephants and lions 
and zebras.
On her walls, wild wolves
and elephants.

On top of the bookshelves
an Asian gong, a Tibetan 
singing bowl and a prayer wheel.

Every morning, incense and sage.
Every evening,
soft lights and candles.

Her heart finds peace
walking through the forest,
near the river's song.
The wild waves
of a West Coast winter
blow away all clouds
from her spirit
until only joy

Her heart belongs
with those 
people who love 
the earth.

She walks in beauty
and gratitude
in the steps 
of the ancestors,
along the well-trodden
of the Earth Mother.

And in her heart
a rainbow flower
of peace.

* To the Navajo and the Hopi, the Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow speaks of Ancestors who will return in white bodies, but who are Red on the inside.  They will learn to walk the Earth Mother in balance again. The generation following the Flower Children are prophesied to be the ones who will see the dawning of the Fifth World of Peace.


  1. Awesome work of poetry!!! And it rings true to me...nice to meet up with you again Sherry, hoping all is well with you! Peace, Sister!!

  2. Oh I would really like to meet this woman! She sounds like my kind for sure! I hope the Navajo nad the Hopi are right and this prohecy comes true soon...we need it so badly!

  3. This is a wonderful journey in the steps of a spiritual being - I love the references to animals and mythology.

  4. One can learn so much wisdom and strength from the Navajo and the Hopi teachings. This is beautiful, Sherry.

  5. This is so beautiful to read Sherry ~ She is wise in all the ways of nature and we can learn much from her ~ I pray for those days of peace ~

    Thanks for sharing ~

  6. Great write Sherry! A host of info of a culture slowly forgotten but new to me. This is educational in many wonderful ways.


  7. Oh, how I love her!!! You are a master, Sherry. A Goddess in your own right.

  8. Your poem and your caption leave me longing to learn more!

  9. She is my kind of person. We could have and, still can, learn(ed) so much from these Native people's. They really are aware of the need to take care of Mother Earth and respect everything.
    This is a really fabulous poem Sherry.

  10. nice peaceful poem

    god forbid that poetry ever become work - thanks!

  11. This was so amazing and beautiful!! A truly inspiring poem.


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