
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thank You to Dani

Kids, like everyone else,  I am distracted by the terrible disaster that has befallen the eastern seaboard, and it is hard to drag myself away from the news. But the most lovely thing happened today. Wonderful Dani, over at my heart's love songs, featured me on her blog, in her ongoing series, which spotlights poets from the blogosphere. 

It is quite lovely to find people like Dani in this wonderful 'sphere, directing her time and attention to supporting and encouraging fellow poets.

Thank you, Dani. On a heartrending day, you provided some sunshine, and sent a little tune of sisterhood across my heartstrings.


  1. Congrats, Sherry!
    Hope you are okay too after the earthquake in B.C.!

  2. it is my pleasure and honor to be allowed to feature poets such as yourself, Sherry!


  3. Yea! What a treat! You are so deserving of this and so much more like it. :)


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