
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Half the Sky

Even when their voices are silenced,
their lives oppressed,
their bodies beaten,
still, women's spirits
hold up
half the sky*.

Kenia's challenge at Real Toads today is to take inspiration from the landai - short collective oral poetry shared and passed on from woman to woman in the oppressive-to-women culture of Afghanistan. As girls and women are prohibited from schooling, it is inspiring that this tradition of oral poetry continues. Women can be oppressed, yet our spirits are strong - they will always rise. Check out Real Toads for further information and links about women and poetry in Afghanistan. 

(*Taken from a Chinese proverb: Women hold up half the sky.)


  1. I saw this picture and thought of using it...very meaningful post ~ More often, it feels like more than half the sky ~

  2. Absolutely love the image of women's spirits holding up half the sky.

  3. Sherry, I used the proverb in one of the lindai I am writing, and am crediting with a link back to your blog. This is beautiful writing, my dear. Love, Amy, and will get you a link once I've posted.

  4. How true. Tyranny can never repress something as powerful as dreams, souls, or love. Even in the face of opresion, these women are strong.

  5. Here is the link, Sherry, and thank you so much for the inspiration. Helped me get a lot out of my gut about the situation for women in oppressed regimes. Let's hope America is not on the list soon. Love, Amy

  6. So very true....hope those women will realize their power..

  7. interesting proverb !
    and you used it well :)

  8. You brought another nationality into this mix. Well done.

  9. Your poem, beautiful, simple, evocative--helps me understand how to approach this prompt!

  10. Women hold up half the sky! What a beautiful notion - if only it were respected. I understand that culture and tradition also comes into play in the wearing of the burqa, but don't deny a woman her voice!

  11. One day maybe they will know freedom, in body as well as in mind and spirit.
    Nicely said Sherry

  12. This has to be one of the more intriguing and challenging prompts ... you make it look easy. Lovely writing Sherry.

  13. Sherry, this brings tears to my eyes because it is so sadly true. Such truth strums the soul into tearfulness.

    I hope you don't mind that I added a link to this post (on your comment you left on my site) so this message partners the Occupy Blogosphere.

  14. Oh Sherry how true and wonderful. I had a marvelous rucksack that had this saying on it ... in the 70s.

  15. Very inspirational...women are so strong! I agree with seems like more than half the sky...

  16. This is long in coming,Sherry! I just can't fathom why this persists. This is narrow thinking by the mullahs. Nothing to do with religion. Moderate Malaysia does not subscribe to this. Shadah wasn't covered from head to toe. Powerful writing Ma'am!


  17. Sherry this is brilliant and so wonderful~ What a view that is~
    I do think we hold up more than half~
    Bravo! :D

  18. "Still women's spirits hold up half the sky" The strength in women is so profound yet we are called the weaker sex. Beautiful Sherry.

  19. Wonderful poem Sherry. Have you read the book "Half the Sky" about the conditions for women in many parts of the world. An excellent book--I think it is a film now as well but maybe just a TV film.

  20. I love this, Sherry. And the photo made me realize just how fortunate we really are, here in Canada. I find myself hoping we aren`t headed for oppression under a far-right regime...then I remember how strong we really are.
    Luv, K

  21. At least half. Have you ever noticed that when a the wife in a long marriage dies, the husband often dies soon after, but when the husband is first to go, the wife mourns, and then lives on? Women are strong!

  22. Amen! Such a great tribute to the strength of women in horrible circumstances.


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