
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bodhisattva Warriors

image from

Bodhisattva Warriors
come in all 
shapes and sizes.

You will
recognize them
by their peaceful
and their ready smile.

They are kind.
One may offer you
a seat on the bus,
when it is packed
and you are tired.

They are gentle.
In the midst of discord,
shouting, crisis
and panic,
watch for the one 
who is still,
who observes,
then tries to help
if he can.

You can tell a bodhisattva
by the way they see
the good in human nature.
They are peaceful warriors,
who spread compassion,
rather than further conflict.

They will give
the little they have
to those who need it more,
and be grateful
for the giving.

Bodhisattvas believe that,
with kindness and love,
the crooked way can be made straight,
and the rough road 
made smooth*.

The best thing about
a bodhisattva
is he doesn't know he is
a bodhisattva.
He is humble,
kind and serene, and,
when his out-stretched hand
is dealt a blow,
he forgives
and quietly
moves on.

This planet is peopled
with undiscovered bodhisattvas.
Their prayers keep us
floating through space,
balance the toppling poles,
and bridge the distance
between heaven and earth. 

Their most sacred challenge
is to hold compassion
for the world's aggressors
as much as for their victims,
in equal measure.

Their message is
to turn from violence to virtue
before the 
Kingdom of Shambhala
* from Ecclesiastes

[Many great Buddhist masters have prophesied that centuries from now, when the forces of aggression amass on earth and no reason can turn them back, the kingdom of Shambhala will open its gates and its enlightened warriors will come forth into battle. Whoever they encounter will be given a choice -- turn from non virtue to virtue or, by direct, wrathful intervention, be liberated into a pure land beyond suffering. from]

It feels to me that that time might be closer than they think. The news today is full of talk about Iran and nuclear weapons and the various powers are jockeying for position. Beyond reason.

Yet we must continue to hope, and to lend our energies to the positive side of the scale. Heaven knows they have enough, already, on the negative side. 

I am linking this over at Soul Dipper, where contributors Occupy Blogosphere every Thursday, with a focus on peace and positivity. Yay! Peace, kids! It's better than what we have right now!


  1. it is scary times we live in...lots of posturing but always teetering a bit closer to the edge...i feel it...

    on the other hand i love you poem...and that these people...the peaceful warriors are out there spreading compassion and peace...did not have a name for the m before but...really like this sherry...

  2. It's a time when we are challenged to not let fear take hold. Courage is fear that has been transformed by love. I don't know where Stephen Harper got his permission to make his decision about the Iranian Embassy in Canada. Is there something we don't know that we ought to know?

    Ahhhh...back to the poem. It's needed.

  3. Nice, I am going to have to look for these people in my midst!

  4. "This planet is peopled
    with undiscovered bodhisattvas.
    Their prayers keep us
    floating through space,
    balance the toppling poles,
    and bridge the distance
    between heaven and earth."

    I love the entirety of this timely poem, and mot particularly this stanza. Wow. You are one.

    And the poem WITH the blowing of the dandelion or milkweed says so much more about the answers blowing in the wind and taking root here, there, and everywhere.

    Thank you!

  5. Dera friend is this not marvelous? I love it! And I am so glad you are linking at Amy's Occupy Blogosphere! Hugs

    This part ... I am being challenged with now: "Their most sacred challenge
    is to hold compassion
    for the world's aggressors"

  6. Oh what a welcomed read... And for me it was the:

    "Their most sacred challenge
    is to hold compassion
    for the world's aggressors
    as much as for their victims,
    in equal measure."

    That one humbled me instantly.

    I know that's true. And I appreciate that truth being placed in front of me by you.....
    Thank you.

    (I snuck over from SoulDippers! I do hope you don't mind.)

  7. Let's strive to be Bodhisottva's in these times of strife. Let's be peaceful with each other, and try to help. Thank you Sherry for spreading peace.

  8. This is so inspiring and wonderful. It is something to keep in mind - Thanks. k.

  9. This is so inspiring and wonderful. It is something to keep in mind - Thanks. k.

  10. A beautiful, heartfelt and thought provoking poem, Sherry, giving us all something to bear in mind. A great 'Occupy' post, thank you for sharing! :)

  11. i don't... no i CAN'T watch the news any more. comforting to think that there will be enlightened warriors to defend us.

  12. I am so not There yet, either, re the aggressors. Likely need a few more laps around this planet, hee hee. It is hard to have compassion for morons and war-makers. And watching the news is painful. I try to Beam Peace, but feel like it bounces right off their heads. Thanks, kids, so much, for your comments.

  13. Yes, yes, yes and yes.
    All of this talk is taking us closer and closer to the brink. One day, maybe sanity will prevail but, it won't happen until humans have a huge wake up call to totally change their egotistical mindset and live once more through the way of love and compassion. How mankind is right now, we're just not ready to let go of money and power as the ruler of all, yet.


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