
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Tree In Me

The Hanging Garden Tree,Tall Tree Trail, Meares Island,
a tree I identify with very much

The prompt at Poetry Jam is one of my favorite topics: 
Where is your forest?  Cool!

Inside my body, out through 
the bottom of my feet,
my roots go down, down into the ground,
holding fast to the center of the earth
when everything above ground
is toppling and turmoil.
They curl around knotted lumps of tangled tuber,
suck moisture from the mossy canopy, 
send it up up up 
to drip off my topmost branches,
helping the leaves, the fronds, the ferns
unfurl and thrive,
keeping us all

In the middle of my body 
is its trunk.
I grew it there
so I could best withstand,
strong and steady,
to bend but not to break,
when the tsunami comes
and washes all away,
I know my trunk
will steady me
and stay.

You can hold onto me
when the ground shifts
beneath your feet,
for my inner tree 
has learned endurance -
how to Simply Be,
in the face of all distress,
grows still and strong,
while others ride the wind,
clamor chaotically,
I feel a tree
inside of me.


  1. This is lovely - strong and sure. Your words come with (seeming) ease. That's talent!

  2. my inner tree
    has learned endurance -
    how to Simply Be,
    in the face of all distress,

    but there were other lines I could have quoted that made an impact on me as I read. A clever response to the prompt and a fine poem.

  3. A unique response to the Poetry Jam prompt, Sherry. It sounds as if you are deeply rooted, a steadfast support to all in your midst, one able to withstand the strong winds that often seek to topple... Thanks for joining in!

  4. I love this poem, Sherry. Many years ago I wrote as though I was a redwood. I love your last stanza best, but the others lead to it and I love them too.

  5. Your boy 'Pup' would be proud of this one. He would expect nothing less from you than this expression of your strength within while at the same drawing him a picture with your words of the trees and brush he used to romp with you.

    Love this one, mi amiga

  6. Love it when you pay homage to growing older, the wisdom women possess. Beautifully done, Sherry.

  7. nice...i like how you describe the tree within you but really my fav is that last stanza where you are reaching out to others to hold on if they need...that to me is def your limbs...smiles...

  8. Sometimes it's very tiring too, being the one that everyone clings to for support. Thank goodness trees are made of stronger stuff as indeed, are YOU.
    Lovely prose once again Sherry.

  9. Clearly written by one well-rooted and wiser for lessons learned over time, the kind of person I like to have in my life to show examples of growth, flexibility and stability. Terrific piece, Sherry.

  10. organic strength, a special kind of timber, the ancient sentinel alive in each of us, the tree of life has so many tributaries. lovely write, inspirational.

  11. LOVE this:
    "for my inner tree
    has learned endurance -
    how to Simply Be"

    And I ache to learn it.

  12. I love how you describe your connection with this inner tree of yours. And I also like the picture. I do picture your part of the world as being still rich with forests. Thank you!

  13. Powerful metaphor... I especially like the third verse, Sherry!

  14. I could see the tree unfurl inside you and feel it inside me as I read your poem, Sherry. What a great take on this prompt.

  15. Simply Be is a philosophy all trees adopt, automatically, no? Lovely thoughts here...♥

  16. From beginning to the last word this is glorious Sherry! :-)

  17. I love this, your steadiness to "Simply Be" - this is so "you" Sherry or at least the Sherry I've come to know through your writing and your interviewing ... a very good analogy or comparison - not exactly sure which but whichever, it works, rings with authenticity ... nice.

  18. I love this Sherry ~ My mind has been empty and blank these days but your words speak to me. I want to be that inner tree, strong and to simply be ~

    Happy and long weekend ~

  19. I have the steady feeling of "steady"-ness and stability. A very nice and deep poem. thanks for sharing it!

  20. A beautiful write of strength and resilience.

    Hope you enjoy the long weekend!

  21. I love this! Such a statement of strength!

  22. YES!! Sherry we truly are kindred spirits! I wrote from the same POV!!

    What an amazing write, you really are one and bonded with the trees!

    I love this:

    "to drip off my topmost branches,"
    I enjoyed the travel to the top and the language of endurance and the most...

    I love this:
    "I feel a tree
    inside of me."

    Powerful!! Warm smiles to you!

  23. Wonderful Sherry! It reminds me of the song "Willow" by Joan Armatrading.


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