
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Your Gift to the World

photo by the very talented Susie Clevenger

At Imaginary Gardens With Real Toads, Susie Clevenger's wonderful photos are offered to inspire our Muse......this one will go very nicely with my morning thoughts today. Please check out the site, as many very gifted poets will be writing to this prompt. 

Do you have a secret dream,
a talent, a passion, and
a voice within that longs to follow it?
Do you harbor a gift,
but think everyone else's needs
are more important than yours,
so you set it aside,
day after day
until there is Time,
but there never is?

There comes a day
when our fear of unworthiness
to follow our passion
is exceeded 
by the pain
of not doing so.

When that day comes:
give yourself permission
to dive in,

Lift Off

and Experience
the Joy
of giving that gift
to the world.

There is a well known quote I am  remembering:  I believe Jesus said it, and the Gospel of Thomas recorded it: "If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." At the end of our life, we wont regret not doing more chores or not being busy enough - we would regret all the poems we should have written and didnt, or all the paintings we should have painted. They will be our legacy. 

I thank all of you for stopping by to read my words and leave comments. I was writing in utter isolation before I found this wonderful online community, and my poems had slowed to a trickle. You applied the water of your words and gave new wings to my pen. I am so very grateful.


  1. What you say is so true, Sherry. We need to learn sooner rather than later to give ourselves permission, and to be ourselves.

  2. Sherry, your words provoked tears. I so often forego writing to do other things - like cleaning house, or tend to others.

    Thank you for your wise advice.

    I for one am glad that you write to us, for us. Lovely.

  3. Definitely!

    If not now, when?

    Someday there will be no more time, no tomorrow, no more words.

  4. It is very good that you are writing for us Sherry!! I have always desired a community of believers who are writers/poets to share in love, fellowship, and friendship. This online community is the greatest big miracle I have had in a long, long time. I am happy to be here as well as reading your delightfully written words! I thank you for the golden opportunity. Have a lovely evening from Judith and I.

  5. Sister, do I hear you on this one! I still struggle with taking time for myself, but I've developed the ability to see with the back of my head and listen for the kid and dogs while writing. Some day, I'll just have ME time...

  6. This speaks for so many women, Sherry. And, it definitely speaks to me.

  7. So true Sherry! When the soul speaks, we should listen, follow our passions and our dreams.

  8. So true, Sherry - why are we always the last on our lists? and a great reminder that it's our permission we need to dive in, and who but we can give it? I love that wonderful quote from the Gospel of Thomas, thanks for posting it, reminding me.

  9. Sherry, your words speak to me. I am very thankful for our community, for if not, where is our inspiration and light to share our work ~

    Write and share your wonderful gift to us ~

  10. "There comes a day
    when our fear of unworthiness
    to follow our passion
    is exceeded
    by the pain
    of not doing so"

    That's what I'm afraid of.


  11. Of course, there is a balance. BUT by fostering our gifts, we bring beauty, strength, and purpose to our lives... and that always benefits others. Women must learn that a bit of indulgence is NOT selfishness. :)

    Nice write (and nice morning meditation)

  12. You reminded me of the parable of the talents, Sherry. If we are given talents, we are to use them, not hoard them. And as has been said here, tomorrow may not come. I lost a good friend this morning, one who had talents galore and the wisdom to use them. His loss is mourned but his life will never be regretted.

  13. These kinds of gifts often take a back seat, don't they? But some, like me, are still searching for the gift to unwrap!

  14. I love this! It rings true for me.

  15. Awww ..another lovely one from you Sherry. I'm so glad you found your voice through blogging. We are all the more lucky for it.

  16. Couldn;t agree with you more Sherry. Another quote from my favorite poet, Wallace Stevens: 'The world without would be desolate except for the world within.' We have to build the bridge between the two, as you do in this piece. And yay to fewer chores and more poems, too. ;_)

  17. Your thoughts and the gift of your poetic voice truly touch my heart, Sherry, thank you!

  18. What beautiful words you created from my photograph. I am so happy that you have been sharing your work. We would have fewer blessings if your pen were silent.

  19. So much truth in this!

    There comes a day
    when our fear of unworthiness
    to follow our passion
    is exceeded
    by the pain
    of not doing so.

    Thank you for saying this so perfectly, Sherry.

  20. Getting out is amazing...being supported is even more so. This was a wonderful message Sherry...great Monday morning thought to start the week. Thanks.

  21. This is so true. Whatever keeps us silent, the day comes when silence is no longer an option. And you, my friend, are an inspiration. Thank you.

  22. Yes. Every day is a gift. We aren't promised tomorrow. Just think of all the unfinished work, the unfed dreams, the silly excuses...

    Such a well-done and thoughtful poem.

  23. i thank you for all your beautiful poems and this dialogue from jesus.


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