
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Right Now

[beautiful image by Josephine Wall]

Now is the moment that never ends. 
Deepak Chopra

All the years that went before
are gone,
cannot be lived again.

Time ahead
is unknown,
not here.

Right Now
is the only
time we have.

What are you 
choosing, thinking, living
right now?
That will become
your reality.

Do not allow life
to happen to you,
as if you are helpless.
Dream yourself a future
as Chess Master,
not pawn.

Be the Observer,
watching your thoughts 
as they flow past.
You are not the musings
bobbing in the flow, 
you are the One 
who is doing
the Observing.

Dont wait for the fairy godmother
to wave her magic wand;
she isn't coming.
But Spirit is walking with you:
that is what guides your path
and makes
the way sacred.

Your awakening,
your transformation,
impacts the world
around you.
The bad news is:
you are what you think.
The good news is:
you are what you think.


  1. Yay for the good news! We should seize the moment, the moment is now!

  2. Waht? The Fairy Godmother isn't coming???! :-)

    Wise words here, Wild Woman. I love the last four lines. They say it all.

  3. Yes, Sherry, right now IS the only time we have. We must use this time to the fullest...or lose the opportunity forever.

  4. You speak such truth - life is truly what we make it. Though, it can be difficult to "get with reality" sometimes.

  5. Yes, indeed. We are what we think we are. What a lovely stroll through some of your thoughts Sherry.
    Lovely interview this morning on PU!


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