
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Putting On the Day

Sun-kissed tops
of snow-covered cedar,
lace filigree bushes
full of twittering birds;
snow-crystals winking
as the morning sun rises:    
I stand in the doorway,
putting on the day.


  1. A beautiful photo and accompanying poem. If this is a current photo, how different is my environment right now. Record-breaking warm today...Shorts weather.

  2. I love this, Sherry, and am so happy we're not the only ones with snow. LOL
    Actually thawing yesterday and today. I was out in a spring jacket, enjoying myself, then having tea with a friend. A good day. Lindy got groomed. Hmm, I wonder where she is. I think she's outside, our nice clean dog, out there in the melt and the slush. Ugh.
    Bye now.


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