
Saturday, March 17, 2012

No Through Road

photo by Shanyn Silinski

The Sunday Challenge over at Real Toads is based on the photography of Shanyn Silinski.
This sign spoke to me :-)

Wild Woman has taken 
a lot of detours,
cruised far too many 
One Way Streets,
wound up on many a
No Through Road.

Just the same,
she has wound up here,
same place as if
she had traveled
straight through by Limo,
with nary a wrong turn.

For there are no
Wrong Turns
on the journey
of the soul.


  1. I spotted this in the blogroll, Sherry. It's not linked to the challenge yet :)

    I love your take on the sign: no wrong turns. I think you may be right, even if it doesn't seem possible at the time, when mistakes were made.

  2. Oh so true! Love it! :) So often we literally lose ourselves in the 'what ifs' of life. Yet we don't really...

  3. LOL, if only that were really true.

    Love the opening:
    "Wild Woman has taken
    a lot of detours"

  4. Great stuff, my friend. When we're young, we may not know that every wrong turn provides something to help us when next we need to make a turn.

  5. ah Sherry, I love how all your poems lately seem to end up in the same place - it's been a long haul, hasn't it, to get to this place (I feel it too, and like to call it 'home at last')

  6. Beautifully said, there are no wrong ways, and no detours as well! May mankind live for the roads it has to cross. What a beautiful poem, Sherry!


  7. I agree with wrong turns on the journey of the soul ~

    This piece resonated with me ~

  8. This is wonderful, just wonderful! I'm in love with this.

  9. Yes, one way or another, all roads lead to where one is today. And all turns happen for a reason.

  10. Well... I do thing there are wrong turns, but the important thing is that they eventually lead us to the correct destination. Loved this.

  11. Such a positive interpretation of a negative picture: you are an inspiration to me. My poem to the same picture now shames me.


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