
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Dogs

Hi kids, I was thinking of this poem this morning, written for last year's Christmas, when everyone and their dogs (literally) came home for Christmas, to my teensy trailer. It was pretty hilarious, lots of cackles. It was the old Pupster's last Christmas, too, and we all knew it. He only lived a couple of weeks past Christmas. I decided to post it, to give us all a smile this morning, as the last days of November fade away, and we turn our thoughts to this year's Christmas.

This year, everyone isn't coming home. Lori and I will have our Christmas on Christmas Eve, and then I will bus down-Island to be with Steph and Gord in Victoria on Christmas Day. Here is what it was like last Christmas Eve in my little trailer:


The stockings aren’t hung.

It should be no surprise.
In today’s economy,
Santa has to downsize.

The Walmart shoppers
have slowed to a trickle.
If you’re not done by now,
you’re in a real pickle.

Jeff crashes in and out
to the front porch to smoke.
Jon groans:
“Trying to sleep
in this house is a joke”

In the living room Steph and Gord,
tucked in their bed,
watch dreams of a night’s sleep
die in their head.

Jeff’s back! Reaching for
the doorknob with glee.
Five dogs raise their heads:
“Oh, it’s time to go pee!”

Walking dogs in the dark,
I fall in the ditch.
This Christmas gig
can be a real b-tch!

Mother Hubbard arrives
to prepare the big feast.
How’ll she ever turn
lentils and beans
to Roast Beast?

Old Dog thinks he’s died
and gone straight to Dog Hell,
and his owner suspects
she has gone there as well.
Sixteen humans
are coming for dinner
and bringing eight dogs.
Someone’s a real winner!

I’m the old woman
who lives in a shoe.
We’ll have to hang ‘em on pegs
or else go somewhere new.

Two hundred inches
of rain falling down:
Here’s hoping Santa
and his reindeer don’t drown.

I can make it till Christmas
is over, I think,
especially if you pour me
one more little drink ;)


  1. What would Christmas be without our best friends?

  2. This is fantastic Sherry...I can totally the dogs wanting to that not the truth...What would the world be without dogs...bkm

  3. Hectic as it sounds, I bet it was great fun. Hope all is well.

  4. Oh, dear... sounds like a fiasco. Glad you will enjoy a little peace and quiet this year.

  5. you are my favorite, sherry!
    also? it's at least sixty degrees here and raining. hard to get jazzed for christmas when it appears the world may be coming to an end. :)

  6. Sherry, I know you are missing Pup, and my heart goes out to you. But memories are lovely, and those will sustain you. This was the funniest, most ironic "Night Before Christmas" parody yet, loved it! (Especially the part about how anyone can sleep in this house...!) Love, Amy

  7. Thanks for the high praise earlier. Love the dog pics and poems. I've been know to dress up the temple dogs.


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