
Monday, October 17, 2011

Morning Chores

I don't have a source for this wonderful photo of elephant joy. It came to my inbox. And I am really hoping this elephant is swimming free, and not penned up in a tank somewhere.  I love the expression of sheer joy on her face, the big old sweety-pie.

In the dark of early morning,
I lead the horse out to pasture,
her big jaws grinding
in anticipation
of her morning oats,
her big feet clopping along
next to mine.

It is so early,the rooster
has not yet crowed,
and, in the bushes, 
the little birds' heads are all
tucked up under their wings,
resting up for their busy day
of feeding and twittering.

The dogs are subdued
in the dogyard
by the still darkness.

A slice of moon gleams
above the tall pines,
and one would think this earth
was an Eden, put here for our delight.

I wonder what kind of Eden 
we will all co-create today.

Have a good one, kids!


  1. Love the photo, it is so happy. And I like the idea of co creating the world with each new day. Wish more people thought that way,


  2. If ever there were a happy elephant, Sherry, this one is it! Or maybe we're anthropomorphizing because it seems to be smiling. Can't imagine a mammal swimming with an open mouth, somehow.
    To get back on topic (I'm so easily distracted) I have known days like the one you describe, when nothing has happened yet and everything is possible.
    Beautifully done.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. i love early, early morning! And I liked your poem about it. I think we all should try to create our own Eden. It would be interesting to find out what kinds of Eden we would all create.

  4. Love that little elephant how even in doing chores you heard and saw beauty

  5. so many morning chores...all the animals wait for me to get up and feed 'em - love your topic today!

  6. Brilliant,Koko. The picture and the upbeat mood connects with me.

  7. What a morning Sherry....just love that photo!...I also wanted to let you know that I have a little something for you over at my do not have to follow the rules for the award...i know you are busy....i just want you to know that you are admired and have an amazing impact on the blogger community. :-)

  8. What a lovely morning, and what a lovely read of it too!
    Love the pic of the elephant. Have a story and video of 2 elephants to send to you and share. So sad that they were kept
    in circus's but, now they are free. Think it will give you a smile or two, know it did me.


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