
Monday, October 3, 2011

Bigger Than the Sky

[image from google]

There are panthers
in the forests of Mumbai.
This sets me dreaming
of a land where temples
lean towards the sky.
A poet walks in footsteps
of Siddhartha
as another day
on Planet Earth goes by.

There's a doctor
in the refugee camps  of Gaza
who lost three daughters
to Israeli bombs.
He works for peace
and daily crosses borders.
"I shall not hate," he says.
I shall not cease."

There's a Sky-show going on
this very second!
We live in miracles,
you and I.
Look up.
Look up!
Let's never cease
our striving
to keep our vision
bigger than the Sky.


  1. The secret of it all Sherry is to love through it all. The doctor knows that love is the only cure, the only reason, the only thing that will cure this curse of man.
    Very deep and heartfelt.
    RYN: No, it's not that cold here yet, but, I needed it to be for the piece and the pic I wrote. it's cooling down a lot morning and night now though but, no frost thankfully... not quite yet. LOL

  2. good reminder, sherry. sometimes it is very easy to think very small.

  3. Beautifully written, my friend, and so very true.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Peace to you my friend. Your vision is crystal.

  5. We often think the world is the four walls in which we reside...we should strive to dream higher and think bigger...A beautiful piece.

  6. A journey can either fog our vision or make it more matter how hard the trail....yours has made you wise and beautiful Sherry....this is amazing and full of truth. :-)

  7. Beautiful write! Bigger than the sky!

  8. This was...humbling in a way.

    "I shall not hate," he says.

    Kudos, wow.

  9. What a beautiful sentiment put into memorable words! I love this, Sherry, thank you for sharing.


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