
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We Live in Beauty and Mystery

California Ink sent me this this morning, and the beauty of it blew me away. I am not very tekky, but somehow this thing seems to have flown onto my page, however unwieldy. I am not going to try to get it to fit my page - am thrilled it is ON it, not going to get picky:)

I'm sharing it  to remind us that, every moment of every day, we live, each one of us, in incredible beauty and mystery.

Keep watching the sky - it's a total light show!

Please install latest Flash Player to run Solar System Scope


  1. Totally incredible. And if that is not beauty then I don't know what beauty is.

  2. Sherry, tis is awesome and I LOVE the music!

  3. Sad that in amny parts of the world, one can no longer watch a sky filled with stars because of pollution. A star filled sky invariably fills one with awe and mystery. The music accompanying this is really nice. Thanks for sharing this Sherry.:-)


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