
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Music of the Spheres

[for the RealToads  prompt: Silence
I posted a poem on that theme yesterday,
written when I was young, and decided
I needed to write what silence means to me today.
The source of the quote used in the poem is unknown.
The image is from google :]

When the world walked two by two,
and she alone,
silence felt lonely.
And so the universe set her the task
of loving and enriching

She began to observe
how people seemed to need
a lot of talk and noise
to know they were alive.
And so she listened
more deeply,
to the hum of the planet
and the music of the spheres,
to the way the night sky
seemed, almost, to sing,
and to the way Grandfather Cedar
breathed peace
like he was
straight into
her heart.

She tuned in to the
voice within,
wiser than any outer voice,
but taking far longer
to learn how
to trust.

At some point 
silence came to live inside her,
a vast, interior silence
where there were no words,
no thoughts, no worries,
a time when the sound of the sea
washed all away,
leaving behind only
and joy.

And now she knows
all about
"the silence from which
all music comes".
It is her dearest friend.
Through it, the beautiful
symphony of life
plays like a mellow clarinet
on a summer afternoon,
warm and golden,
counterpoint to
the full brass band
of daily existence,
all inter-woven and living
mellifluously together
in her heart.


  1. We are so alike in many ways, I too value the silence because, it's in that silence and stillness we truly learn so much about, ourselves and this beautiful planet we are blessed to share.
    This prose is so lovely, speaks to my heart.

  2. These words encapsulate such a sense of growth of the human spirit..the maturing of the soul and the ability to listen to the silence within. Just so inspiring, Sherry.

    Thank you for sharing your work on Real Toads.

  3. Great way to express how silence opens a channel to the world around.

  4. This is beautiful, Sherry. I love "the silence from which all music comes." You really expressed the beauty of silence well.

  5. Ahh I love the maturity of your words and the very real sense of how silence comes to be a companion and friend. Thank you Sherry,


  6. What a journey, from the clamor of everyday life to peace within, which in turn takes on its own sweet music. A lovely meditation, Sherry. Peace, Amy

  7. Always, at a point in life most profound, we find the joy in silence.

  8. That was me, Sherry. I am still trying to master leaving a comment on your page. Sigh...


  9. Sherry ... we could have been sisters. I had my place high atop a hill where I would go to ponder and eventually retreat within. I have always had an intense need to be alone. I enjoyed this journey, thank you.

  10. its not easy to come by such silence... and it is one's best friend..


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