
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wild Woman: Unplugged!

I am adrift,  disconnected at the old place and wont be hooked up till sometime Thursday at the new place - using my sister's computer at the moment. I will be back in business soon, but currently have no access to my email account. Yoiks! How did I ever live before the internet? No idea! I vaguely remember writing letters, that took a week to get there and a few weeks to receive a reply in response.............Cars went slower then,too. And Time, for that matter.

Till Thursday,  be well, stay happy, and I cant wait to read your new poems!


  1. Oh you poor thing.

    I've been off line a week when the power went out in 2006 but not since then.

    Wild women? I used to have a bumper sticker that said: Well behaved women seldom make history. I've always aspired to be a wild woman but am not. Sigh. - Charlene

  2. Sherry, isn't it something how dependent on the internet we have become? I know I cannot live (well) without it.

  3. Sherry please think of this as some sort of blessing in disguise. I too love the Internet, but boy, I hate the phone ... tore out the land line and do not use my cell except out of necessity ... I really hate it. Thursday is around the corner! Love to you my friend.

  4. I miss everyone too! But not the phone. I'm with you, Liz, I truly hate it, and would never have a cell phone. Charlene, I love the bumper sticker. I need one to go with the one that says "My other vehicle is a broom." Hee hee. And I suspect that wild women lurk not very far under the surface of all of us. Mine has just gotten louder and more insistent of late.

  5. I know how frustrating moving can be...I feel for you! I miss your voice, words~ I feel your pain; wild woman will be back at soon~xXx


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