
Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Advisory!

[images from]

Hi kids, a little excitement with my morning tea this morning. There is a tsunami advisory all along the west coast of Vancouver Island, as well as Haida G'waii, as a result of the terribly devastating earthquake that has hit Japan. My beloved Tofino lies right in the heart of its path, of course. And tsunamis on the coast always alarm us here in the valley, as in 1964 a tsunami funneled along the canal that unites us with the ocean, and it did considerable damage, as you can see in the above photos.

I live slightly higher up, so am likely okay, but down at the end of Beaver Creek, and all along the river, lies the floodplain area which is the area of concern if we have another large tsunami.

I recall my ex telling me he had a "candy apple wine" Volkswagon back then, and he lost it in the parking lot of the A&W when the waves hit.

Schools are closed today and everyone is holding their breath. But the earthquake centre is reporting now that waves have hit some of the areas along the coast and are more moderate than at first feared. This is a relief.

These events happen about once a year now, in my town, and much more frequently world- wide,  indicating a severely distressed planet. One day, the big one will hit our coast, and it will be terrible.

I am horrified by the footage on the news of what people in Japan are going through. It was only a couple of weeks ago that New Zealand  was in distress. Now events seem to be happening, faster than the planet can move to clean up after them before the next event. Very scary, kids.

This area seems to have weathered this latest scare. We are fortunate. This time.


  1. We on the coast in southern California were spared this time around. Liked your poetry.

  2. Way too much frequency, Sherry. It is
    a direct result of the abuse the planet
    has endured. Still people do not heed the
    call. I live on the fault line here in
    Mexico. I do not worry about it, but I am
    aware, it could happen.


  3. Glad you are safe, my friend. And I agree that these are definite signs of a distressed planet. When will people listen?


  4. Glad you're safe, and hope you stay safe!

  5. Glad you are safe, my son lives 80 miles south of Cresent City CA, they had damage and lost one who was taking photos...warnings are for a reason...sad some do not believe that includes them...bkm

  6. Yes, 1964 was the year of the gigantic Alaska earthquake. I used to live there, but luckily it wasn't that year! Glad no major damage in your area.


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