
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Computer Woes

Very frustrating. We had hard rains last night and today I woke up to no internet reception. Am using my sister's computer to let you know it wont be fixed before tomorrow, unless by divine intervention! This has happened before. The repair man will come tomorrow and hopefully hook me back up to my life support :)

Sigh. Now there's nothing left to do but housework - which could be a good thing!


  1. Housework is never a good thing in my book.

    Here's hoping your computer woes are over soon. I go crazy (well, crazier than normal) when I lose my connection to the Internet.

  2. Enjoy the break, Sherry, although housework is never a good thing. (We do it for a living. lol)

    Hope you get back on-line soon.

    Best Wishes


  3. There are many trying to water down the Internet :-) I hope you are now reconnected.


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