
Monday, November 1, 2010

A Celtic Blessing of Peace

[image from the Global Peace Project website at]

Deep Peace, I breathe into you,
O weariness, here.
O ache, here!
Deep peace, a soft white dove to you,
Deep peace, a quiet rain to you,
Deep peace, an ebbing wave to you!
Deep peace, red wind of the east from you,
Deep peace, gray wind of the west to you,
Deep peace, dark wind of the north from you,
Deep peace, blue wind of the south to you!
Deep peace, pure red of the flame to you,
Deep peace, pure white of the moon to you,
Deep peace, pure green of the grass to you,
Deep peace, pure brown of the earth to you,
Deep peace, pure gray of the dew to you,
Deep peace, pure blue of the sky to you!
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you,
Deep peace of the Yellow Shepherd to you,
Deep peace of the Wandering Shepherdess to you,
Deep peace of the Flock of Stars to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you,
Deep peace from the heart of Mary to you,
And from Bridget of the Mantle,
Deep peace, deep peace!

A Celtic blessing of peace for all hearts tonight.......I havent been able to find a source, other than it being adapted from some Celtic runes long ago..........


  1. Oh, that is so beautiful, Sherry. And blessings to you too!

  2. Very beautiful, Sherry, and a much needed reminder of what is really important in life - connectivity.

  3. Thats looks so ancient but so poetic ..

  4. Hello, Sherry!
    As the diversity of colors and their shades abundantly distributed in the divine nature coexist in peace, I hope that humanity will learn to live with different too!
    Thanks for visiting.
    Bjins! Paz e bem!


Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate it and will return your visit soon.