
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Buddhist Approach

Tonight Lisa and I had the privilege of attending a public talk by Changling Rinpoche, at the small Tibetan Temple on Grafton Road in nearby Coombs.

When we got out of the car, the air had that fresh out-in-the-country smell I love. The temple looked like it belonged on a Tibetan hillside. Two mellow dogs greeted us, smiling. Inside, there were golden Buddhas, little lamps, lovely hangings, pillows on the floor for sitting.

The crowd was attentive, peaceful, largely senior, with some lovely young women with a light inside of them, including my daughter.

The Rinpoche spoke of how, when we feel emotions that bring discomfort, the discomfort does not come from outside of us, but from within; that the anger or distress is not attacking us; our minds are allowing and nourishing the discomfort, if we are attached to the emotion.

He spoke of us needing to decide whether we want to be a frog living in a well, or a frog living in the ocean: the narrowness or broadness of our vision depends on which we choose. Needless to say, I choose the ocean!

It was wonderful to sit, feeling the attentive energy in the room, listening to this man speak about community. He said there are monasteries in southern India that house as many as six thousand monks, who live in harmony because they share the view of inter-dependence and respect. He said North American society's focus on self and "wanting More" creates disharmony and discontent. He said many more profound truths but my brain has holes in it:) I hope my subconscious took good notes!


  1. I remember a Tibetan camp in Delhi by the river. We went there and had chhang, the local brew from wheat. There was another stuff available with straw pipes in a plastic mug which appeared to have purplish berries in fermenting water.:)With a plate of cooked ham like a stamp sheet, so thin and so delicious.

    We also navigated through the narrow by lanes among a close knit community of wooden cabins and came to the temple with a huge bell which we duly went round of course

    I was very sad that these people have had to leave their homes, creating a miniature Tibet in a Delhi suburb.

    Nice people, lovely women.:D

  2. I so love these glimpses of life in your part of the world, since it is likely the closest I will get to India.........thank you so much for this. It is terribly sad such beautiful people have been forced out of their country. And I understand that the heart of Lhasa looks more like a Chinese market, now that the railway goes right into the middle of it, so inside Tibet is very changed as well.

    A wonderfilm film is What Remains Of Us, following a young woman's trip inside Tibet, secretly taking with her a videotaped message from the Dalai Lama to his people inside the country. The look on the faces of the old people especially as they see his face and hear his words is heartbreaking.

    I am so glad India took the refugees in and gave them a place to be. Very very lovely people indeed. The Dalai Lama is an inspiration as to how evolved a human being can be.Dharamsala is on my Bucket List if I strike it rich (am not holding my breath though, likely will be an armchair traveler this lifetime, but that's fine too:) At least I have an armchair!!)

  3. What a joyful evening for you and Lisa! Life really is about community, inter-dependence and, of course, respect, isn't it? I think that's why I'm enjoying blogging so much..the warmth and generosity of new friends has been humbling and inspiring to me...

  4. It was exactly the right place to be! Enjoyed the evening immensely :) xx


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