
Monday, February 17, 2025



For some time, now
Traveler has been
watching the days lengthen,
welcoming the extra light
morning and evening,
putting behind her
the difficult winter
which has birthed the beginning
of her next journey.

Now comes
the putting away of the old
and the welcoming
of the new.

Now comes
increased ease,
and Possibility.

What gestated all winter
bathed in her tears
now brings to fruition
all that was making its
difficult passage.

Traveler sets aside
what no longer
serves her.

She prepares herself
with hope and relief
for renewal,
a lightening of spirit.

She flows
within the emergence
of a new cycle
with trust, with grace,
and enormous gratitude,

knowing that
all is as it should be,
(in herself, if not the world) -
a time of letting go,
a time of stripping down,
a time of being true
to one's own spirit
and the simplicity
of its needs.

With the light will come daffodils,
cherry blossoms, forsythia.
Tiny crocuses are already
pushing upwards through the earth,
reaching for warmth and sun,
drawn forth by the
coming of the light.

As much a miracle
in this, her 78th spring,
as any other.


  1. "all is as it should be,
    (in herself, if not the world)"
    And that is what comes to light, what has gestated through the difficult winter, an ease with one's own spirit and the harvest of each day. I identify with your poem.

  2. I want to feel that, Sherry, that each day is still a shake away all the dread and look with new is hard though. It is unusually hot for February here and every afternoon is a reminder of climate change.

  3. Yes, indeed, it is nice to see the days lengthen. I love it when it is not pitch dark at 5 pm anymore. I think it will be a long time before we see daffodils though. We are in quite a deep freeze at the moment, but I am thankful for the sunny day we have today.

  4. Another beautiful poem, Sherry. I love the preparation for hope and relief for renewal. We live for this.

  5. A beautiful poem, Sherry. I too have been ‘watching the days lengthen, welcoming the extra light’, and I think many of us are the point of putting away the old and the welcoming the new, the lightening of spirit. All those spring flowers made me smile!

  6. it helps to remember we are but motes on a mote planet in a mote solar system in a mote galaxy among trillions more, that we know of. these little men playing their games are tiny in comparison. so yes, welcome the light !

  7. I love the mediation on light and how it feels to move with it - happy new/spring/birthday wishes - Jae

  8. Oh no ! Our summer has gone too quickly. If you are going into Spring it means we are going into Autumn. I don't know why but it seems Summer flies quicker every year.

  9. It comes early here on the West Coast of Canada because of the mild climate. Still tons of snow and winter everywhere else. And we will likely get some rainstorms in March. But the flowers will start popping up, always so wonderful. So far crocuses and heather.

  10. Oh, I love the hope and peace in this, Sherry. All the best to the Traveler--much hope, peace and light (and all the flowers of Spring). <3

  11. The traveler is wise and the days are getting a bit longer but, no sign of spring. I love all the flowers that will soon be in bloom. sigh...spring a time of possibilities.

  12. "Traveler sets aside what no longer serves her." This is the essence , for me. I am 68 and learning to cast off what feels more like an anchor, and it's for the best. Like the old song says, "I'm travelin' light..."

  13. Some things are a consistent joy, aren't they?

  14. I just love this, this is full of wisdom, experience and love, and light. The second last stanza is just lovely, I could feel it.


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