
Sunday, February 2, 2025

Not a Cello Serenade


I once wrote of life
being like a cello serenade
on a summer afternoon.

My dreams then were
full of fluttering wings,
giddy and golden days,
miracles, and owls
who carried messages to me
from the spirit world.

Owl, swooping sideways
into the forest green
I wrote,
when the wild
was my truth
and the ominous voices
of today
were still ahead,
waiting to derail
my perfect peace.

for all we have lost,
that we hope
one day
to regain.

courage, my friends,
till the pendulum swings,
and decency
returns again.

for Shay's Word List:  It is hard to find any good words right now. This is what came. I remember Shay once saying I was Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. And I was, back then, with all the hope in the world.

My friends on both sides of the border are in for some very hard days, perhaps years. I have compassion for us all. And I am too old to think I'll be around when the pendulum turns and turns again. But I have to believe it will, because most of us have good and decent hearts.


  1. We all need a cello serenade right now! Hard to keep up with all the craziness. And now a global tariff war....

  2. I like that you end with a positive and hopeful note..also that you hear the songs of owls

  3. Hell yes and it can't happen too soon!!

  4. I love the picture of life being like a cello serenade. And dreams full of fluttering wings. Indeed those days are past...long past...and we have to hope the pendulum swings toward hopefulness again...someday.

  5. I wish that I still believed that, about most having good and decent hearts. The very fact that my country voted for this monster, knowing what he is, put that to rest. People call or email trying to scam me almost every day. Everyone seems to be in a permanently bad mood. Thank Heaven for dogs.

  6. Thank you for this beautiful poem and the hope in it. I'm trying my best to write my way through it.

  7. "a cello serenade on a summer afternoon" ahh...I got caught up in that delightful image for a moment. And the fluttering wings and miracles and the forest green...<3

  8. Your words got to me, Sherry, especially this: "when the wild/was my truth" -- those halcyon days couldn't be expressed better.
    The grief is sharpened by our helplessness to alter reality.

  9. The heart breaks on the wheel of man's ignorance. I feel every word in this, Sherry. I too am too old to hope to outlast this insanity, but I fervently wish you to be right that it will someday end.

  10. So heartwarming, Sherry, and so beautiful. I read this and I know this is the voice of a woman who has travelled a deep and mystical journey and has lived to tell the tale. You move me and uplift me at the same time. Love that final stanza especially:

    courage, my friends,
    till the pendulum swings"

    Thank you 🩷


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